~Chapter 15~

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'Tell me about yourself,' Y/N says sleepily. I looked over to her and noticed she was fast asleep. I decided to tell her all about me tomorrow.

I changed her bandages again because they were full of blood again. I don't know why she cut herself again especially on her legs where she can't feel anything. It hurts me when she shouts at me or when she is like this. I just want her to be happy.

I went to the bathroom to clean up all the blood and take the wheelchair out. While I was cleaning I cut my finger on something sharp that was on the floor. I picked it up and it was a razor blade. I threw it away and decided to take away everything that is sharp. I looked through every single draw and in every single one I found at least 3 razor blades or knifes. I took them all.

I went downstairs with all the blades and knifes in my bloody shirt. When I got to the kitchen the boys all looked at me.

'What's that?' Yoongi asks.

'Y/N's room,' I say. I didn't want Chae-yeon to know so I just showed the boys a sign which we made for when Y/N cuts herself.

'What happened to her?' Chae-Yeon asks.

'Uhhh...' I didn't know what to say.

'She was picking up a glass but she accidentally broke it and when she tried to pic the glass up she accidentally cut herself with it,' Namjoon comes to the rescue.

'Is she ok now? should I check on her?' She says.

'No no you don't need to,' I say.

'Tae. Can you show her to her room please,' Jin orders tae. He immediately takes her to her room which was the room furthest away from mine and Y/N's room. I put my shirt on the table and showed them whats in it.

'I found all these in her room. I don't know if she is hiding more but these are all I found,' I say. The boys looked shocked and sad.

'She has way to many. There is at least 30 blades and knifes in total here,' Hoseok says.

'Where did she cut herself?' Kookie asks.

'Legs and arms. OH SHIT I NEED TO CHANGE HER BANDAGES! She cut herself really deep so I need to change them again,' I say running up the stairs. I quickly changed them again and went back downstairs.

'Is she still asleep?' Jin worriedly asks.

'Yes. She lost a lot of blood and so she past out after she asked me to talk about myself. Oh also... Wait no I'll let her tell you guys,' I reply.

'Tell us what? ChimChim you can trust us,' Tae now says behind me. I jumped a bit because he scared me.

'I'm sorry but I can't tell you. Wait until Y/N wakes up again,' I say before walking away to my room.


After we got back from the hospital Y/N has been so angry. She isn't normally like this. She was brought up so kindly and to be kind to strangers but now she won't let anyone near her except Jimin. I miss the old Y/N. The one that was always happy and the one that didn't damage her body.

If only my dad and step mum were still alive she wouldn't be like this. That bastard just had to kill them for a stupid and leave Y/N traumatized for the rest of her life. I wish I was there to protect her and take her with me to my mum but she stopped me from going and my school didn't let me skip a day to go to her. I'm happy that her step brother, Mark, is dead. But I'm worried about that bastard. He escaped so they didn't catch him. He is still out there looking for me and Y/N.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now