~Yoongi's life~

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I was pretty shocked hearing Jimin's, Jungkook's, Tae's and Hoseok's life story, as seeing that some of them told us a completely different story. I'm actually not surprised about them lying about their life. I would lie as well if my life was like theirs.

The boys don't actually know much about my life because I never talked much about my life because I thought it was boring so I didn't think that anyone would want to know, but today I will have to because it's Y/N's wish.

'My older brother and I were born in Daegu, same as Tae, and we had a pretty normal life, well my brother did but I didn't, except that I came from a quite poor family and my father couldn't pay the bills so my brother and I would have to have a part time job to help him. When ever I had any free time I would write/make music with a group called "DT". I soon got stressed and tired because my parents would only look at my brother and not me. I would try and get their attention but they ignored me. I became really cold to everyone because I never got the love from my parents like all the other kids. I hated everything so in school I never studied well and all I did was try and break the rules and play basketball. I never loved girls and when they confessed to me I would just shrug it off and walk away. I knew that If i loved a girl that it would just hurt me just like what my parents did to me. I loved them but they hurt me so I became cold to them and everyone around me. I went to an all boys school and once I graduated from High school me and my band secretly went to Seoul to work on becoming a musician, and I kept it a secret because my parents don't want me to make music and wouldn't want me to go to Seoul. My brother knew about it and he supported me. He was really the only one who believed in me and he promised not to tell my parents about what I want to do. I would contact my brother to tell me about my parents and grandparents. When I found out that BigHit will be having auditions I tried it out and passed. The first person I saw was Namjoon. BigHit finally confirmed that they will be having a group called BTS with 7 members. It wasn't easy because I didn't have enough money to feed myself. I didn't have enough money to buy a cup of ramen. I didn't have the energy to do anything because I couldn't eat. It affected me a lot and so I became stressed and then I finally decided to commit suicide. I couldn't deal with it anymore. My parents didn't even bother to help me because they never liked the idea of me making music. I just didn't want to deal with it anymore. I went to the bathroom and consumed lots and lots of medicine hoping that I would die. I thought that I was dead but I was wrong. I was just laying on the floor feeling extremely dizzy. I couldn't get up. After I recovered my behaviour changed a lot until BigHit decided to send me to a psychiatrist. I didn't want to go at first but then I gave in and went. My parents came from Daegu to Seoul only to accompany me through the treatment. I didn't believe that they really cared and so I said, "I don't even know myself, so how can you know about me?" my parents didn't say anything so I thought that they didn't even listen. I hated them. They never cared about me. Ever. I had a long treatment and once my mental health was better I went back to training and after a lot of hard work of training we debuted. I always told myself that no one will love me but after I knew about how many fans loved I became happy. I finally felt loved after so many years.

On the 12/2013 I got appendicitis and I had to get surgery. I was so happy when I found out that thousands of fans were wishing me to get better soon. Once I recovered I went back to BTS and worked hard to get us this popular. I still thought about my parents even tho I hated them for what they did. I hated them for only looking at my brother and ignoring me but I still thought about them, thinking about what they would do when they find out we are this successful. When we had a concert and we were saying our speeches, I looked through the crowd and when I saw my parents there, in the crowd, watching me, I bowed down to the ground and started crying. I wasn't expecting them to be there for anyone of our concerts.

We worked hard to get so popular and soon I became the richest member and the first out of them to get a Black Credit card. I never thought we would ever reach this popularity. I always thought that we would never make it. My parent's didn't actually believe that we would make it but after seeing that they were at one of our concerts, I realized that they do care. They stated to realize that my dream came true and that I became successful.

I was happy from then on. Our fans kept me happy, BTS kept me happy and knowing that my parents care made me happy. I realized that killing myself wouldn't make me as happy as I am now. This was all thanks to BTS and Army. I realized that there is a point to life and you should to. Just remember you have many people that will help you,' I say looking at Y/N.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now