~Chapter 8~

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You were on your phone playing a game while listening to No More Dream(You didn't know who BTS were you only found them on iTunes and never bothered to look them up).

Suddenly someone pulled your earphones out and took your phone.

'Hey! Give my phone back!' you say staring at Tae who was holding your phone high above his head.

'Nope. What were you listening to anyway?' Tae asked still not giving your phone back. You tried to reach it but because you were so small you couldn't. Then you remembered something from the past that you would do to Jimin or your dad if he stole something and you couldn't reach it. You walked away slowly and then you quickly turned around and ran towards Tae and then when you were close enough you jumped quite high and grabbed your phone.

'There we go. I just remembered I would always do this to either Jimin or my dad when they stole something and I couldn't reach it. My dad was about the same hight as Namjoon son had to jump quite high but I didn't need that much of a run up maybe a bit smaller run up that this. Oh and the song I was listening to was No More Dream by BTS. Do you know them?' you asked. tae just stared at you like he just saw a ghost.

'Umm Tae? earth to Tae,' you say waving your hand in front of Tae's face(Oh yh you were in jeans and t-shirt with Timbs. Hyun-ae took your dress she can wash it and so you weren't in a dress full of blood anymore) 

'Huh? Oh sorry I was just surprised how you can jump so high with such a small run up. What did you say before?' he asked and you just giggled at him.

'I asked if you know BTS. I was listening to No More Dream by them,' you asked turning off your music and phone and putting it away.

'Haha. Yeah I know them. I know them personally,' Tae says while laughing seeing as you don't know that he is a member of BTS. (similar to this one\/)


'I'll answer all your questions at home and whatever you want me to tell you. Lets go home before all this,' Tae says pulling you along with him. You were so happy and Tae found that so cute.


'Can you tell me now? I want to know! Please tell me!' you kept bugging Tae to tell you all about how he 'knows' BTS and he hasn't told you because he wants to show you instead. He want's to see your face when you find out you live with your favourite band and he wants to find out who you like that most by his voice.

'Ok I have a question now and after this question I need to go to the toilet,' Tae says standing in the living room and staring into your cute and huge puppy dog eyes.

'What is it?' you asked full of energy, which made Tae giggle/laugh. (a bit like this one\/ I couldn't find a shorter one)

'Who do you like the most based on their voices?' Tae asks.

'The one that sings Lie and Serendipity. I love his voice its so adorable! I really want to meet him and hug him. Oh also I really like the guy who sings stigma his voice is so deep it's just amazing! I listen to it when I sleep sometimes because his voice is so soothing. To be honest I love all their voices but those two are my favourite. I love them so much,' you say while fangirling a bit thinking about those songs and their voices. Tae was so touched hearing that from you.

'Cool. I'll be back. Wait for me on the sofa,' Tae says while walking off to go to the 'bathroom'. Instead of going to the bathroom, he goes off to the dance studio where the rest of the boys were and told them everything and their plan. They all agreed to the plan and get ready to see your face.

'Y/N! please come to the dance studio,' Seokjin shouted. You immediately ran to the dance studio wanting all your questions answered. Once you got there you were surprised why they had microphones.

'Umm why do you guys have microphones? You don't need microphones to answer my questions about BTS,' you say confused while taking a seat.

'Well we want to sing to you before we answer your questions,' Jungkook says. You were now getting excited that they were going to sing to you.

'Enjoy the song,' Yoongi says before turning on the music and straight away your recognised it and you were confused.

"Are they doing a cover? why are they singing one of 'I like it'? Are they going to sing the second part? Man I have so many questions." 

Wanna be loved...

Don't wanna be fool wanna be cool
wanna be loved 너와의 same love
Baby I want it

니가 올리는 모든 사진마다
좋아요 남발하는 처음 보는 저 남자
누구야 (and so on)

Wanna be loved...

Don't wanna be fool, wanna be cool
Wanna be loved, same love as you
Baby I want it

On every picture you post up
A guy I've never seen before likes it,
who is he? (and so on)

'Now part two,' Hoseok says. You were to shocked to react what was happening to you right now. You couldn't believe your ears.

거기로 나와
pretty girl

어디야 너 거기로 당장나와 
우리 자주가던 그곳에 말야
그냥 단지 밥 한끼 하자고
이렇게 연락한다고
딱히 보고픈것은 아냐 (and so on)

'So? How do u like it?' Namjoon asks. They all looked at your shocked face with amusement.

A/N I really don't know where this story is going but I still have a vague idea of how its meant to be

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A/N I really don't know where this story is going but I still have a vague idea of how its meant to be. You'll know more about yourself and each member later on and why they "kidnapped" you. They don't actually know so yh wait up. 

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now