~Jungkook's life~

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I wanted Taehyung to go but he forced me to go talk about my life. I don't have much to talk about so I'll have to dig deep in my brain to find everything.

'As you all know I was born in Busan. I moved to Seoul when I was 13 and went to school with Taehyung and Jimin, Jimin came after 3 years and Tae came after 1 year. All the girls loved me. They always thought I was really cute but I wasn't interested in them and they were all so clingy. Yes when I was 13 girls wanted to be with me. I loved dance and singing. My celebrity crush was and still is IU. I adore Justin bieber and I want to be able to sing like him. As I got older I got better in singing and dance. I was the best in my class including Jimin, in dance and singing, and Tae, in singing. All three of us had the girls head over heels with our charms. We would flirt with them but we would never go out with them because none of them were our type. All the girls were good looking but they would either be to clingy, have a horrible personality, annoying voice trying to charm us or all. We hated it, but we loved teasing them with our charms. Jimin was always super clever and he would always beat us in every subject, even english even if all of us were horrible in it. I got a 4/100 in my english test. One time a girl snuck into our dorm and stole some clothes from us. Literally all girls were stalkers and when we told them to leave us alone they went away crying their eyes out.

I auditioned for Bighit and I got accepted when I was only 15. I graduated school when after we debuted as BTS. Our fandom was so adorable with congratulating me when I graduated. They would do anything for us and we would do anything for them. They always loved our songs. After Namjoon helped with my english i started covering songs from Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, Troye Sivan and a few others.

And as you know when Taehyung became sad and stuff he told me everything. He told me the things he didn't tell Jimin. After Jimin had the car accident he kept waking up at night which woke me up as well. I would always have to get a cold towel to cool him down. I was the one making sure nothing happened to Jimin and made sure he was happy all the time. He would always get really bad nightmares or little flashbacks about you and stuff, but he never knew it was you because your face was always blurred out.

Once we became super famous the girls from our old school became even more clingy and tried to make other girls jealous but we always moved away from the girls and tried to avoid them. We would sometimes push the girls away or shout at them to go away which would result in them crying. 

We had a lot of tours around the world and the amount of love we get from ARMY's is incredible. When we got back to Seoul Taehyung was sent out to look for you but you disappeared and he thought he lost his whole family but when we were offered that job to find you he was like a child at Christmas. 

I started to become more of a rebel and started doing graffiti and did a lot of illegal things but I didn't care what would happen to me. I became a playboy and playing with girls feelings. I found it entertaining watching them get heartbroken. This was all because of this one girl who I loved very much. I became angry at all the girls. I found them horrible and mean. I wanted all the girls to know how I felt when she left me. 

I soon stopped being a playboy. It bored me. After I stopped being a playboy I started becoming depressed and it got quite bad but not as bad as what happened to you, but it has now gotten better over the time because I did the things that make me happy, which makes me forget all about the bad thoughts and just made me enjoy life. I hung out with BTS, made music, drew and pretty much anything that made me enjoy life. I loved my life and when we met you I felt sorry for you because I went through something similar to you but not as bad as what you went through. You had to experience so much hatred in your life, your parents got killed which you had to experience. I always thought my life was horrible but seeing you and knowing what you had to deal with made me realize I was just imagining it all. My life wasn't as bad as I thought. My life was ok. I had some ups and downs but I still had happiness. I still had a family to love. I never imagined that someones life could be as bad as yours. I never imagined someone having to experience their parents death or people wanting them dead. That was when I realized that I needed to help you get through it. I had to show you that there is a point in living. It hurt me seeing you hurt because of some ignorant people who don't know what they actually do and say can affect a person that much. I wanted to protect you just like Jimin. You are like my little sister. I don't want anything happening to you,' I say looking at Y/N. She looked quite shocked.I guess she thought I was always that little happy boy. Which I was and now am again. She probably couldn't imagine me being like such a rebel.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now