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"Dear Jimin,

I know how you feel now. Sad. Heartbroken. Maybe angry. But I had to leave, and you know that.

You knew about the voice in my head. You knew what she was doing to me.
She was hurting me. She was trying to take over me.

I had to stop that. I couldn't just move away. They would probably find me. Also it wouldn't help me get rid of her. She was stuck in my body. So I had to do something else. I had to end it all.

I'm sorry that I couldn't stay longer for you. That is why I asked to hang out with you guys like that. I wanted to remember you all being happy before I left. I wanted to keep you guys with me forever. So I asked for all those favors. I know I wasn't able to join in much because of my wheelchair but that didn't matter to me. All I wanted to see was you seven being happy with each other.

When we went to the fountain I was so happy knowing that you also felt the same as me. I knew you would've asked me to be your girlfriend so I tried to stop that because I knew that I wouldn't be a good girlfriend for only a week. You might have have thought that we could have a long distance relationship but that long distance relationship would definitely be long distanced. I'm up here and you are down there. It definitely is far apart.

When you pushed me to the fountain to wish for something I said that I wished for something for someone else and not for myself. It wasn't just one person but seven. I wished something for you seven. When you asked me to tell you what that wish was, I refused to tell you. I didn't want to tell you yet. So now I will tell you what I wished for.
I wished for this: 'Let BTS be happy and live a happy life even after I left them. Don't let that bury them in sadness. Let them forget and be happy forever. Let them have a happy future and leave their painful past'

I don't want this to burden you. So please don't let this burden all seven of you. Please let all of the other six be happy. Especially Tae. He has lost everyone now. He only has you six left. Please protect him and keep him happy.

If you seven want to see my smile or just me in general. My phone is next to the roses that I put on the draw and my password is ****. I have pictures of us all together, pictures of me smiling. A genuine smile. I don't want you all to be sad so I did that for you all.

After you found me dead you probably went into my room and the first things you saw were the paintings. You probably figured out what the message was and who the people are. I saw the first painting as a goodbye and you saw it differently. Probably now you see it how I saw it. The second drawing was after. It was in two halves. One brighter and one darker. You probably know the meaning of it now unlike before where you thought it was just a drawing and were confused.

You know how I told you about the voice? Well she wanted me dead so she can take over the world but she didn't realize that if I die she won't be able to take over the world and take revenge how she wanted to. If I die, my spirit goes up to heaven with my parents and her soul does the same. She didn't think about all this. She was to into trying to control me and tell me to kill myself that she didn't think about what would happen to her. She will now be gone from the world and she won't harm anyone anymore. Neither will I.

It is all over now. Now please live your life to the fullest and don't do what I did. I want you to have a happy life even if I was your happiness. I want you to find someone else who can make you equally as happy as I did. I will be waiting for you up here. Even if it'll take years and years for you to get to me. I'm patient and I'll wait.

I may not be as happy up here until you get here, but at least it is better than being down there being tortured, even if I wished I could stay with you until your last days. Remember I am up here looking down and protecting you.

I have one painting for you which I made you. Go to my room and look under my bed. There is a picture of you and me. Please keep it safe. 

Look after Silver. Tell her that I had to go. And that I'll protect her from up here.

I am very grateful that you seven tried everything to help me, but sadly it didn't really work. I am glad you all tried to cheer me up all the time. I am happy that you guys didn't leave me when you found out about 'the other me'. I am happy that you all didn't care about that side of me and stayed with me until my last day.

You guys don't know how happy it made me knowing all that. Knowing that you didn't leave me after knowing about the 'real'  me rather than the 'fake' me.

Jimin. Please remember that I always did and still will love you no matter how far apart we are from each other. Remember that you will always have a special place in my heart.

As I watch over you and seeing you happy will make me happy. So please continue being happy and never lose that cute eyesmile of yours. Don't let that go away. I always want to see you smile. It warms my heart.

Never stop smiling. Even during the most difficult times. Never stop smiling.

I love you and always will.

Now I have to end this letter.

I will not say 'goodbye' because we will see each other after a long while. So let me say 'See you soon'

See you soon my cutie ChimChim.



Finally finished the book. I hope you enjoyed it^^

I can't believe I wrote 35 chapters! I didn't expect to write that much xD

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now