~Chapter 31~

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I couldn't believe my ears. Our boss was working with Tae's "father".
I was so angry but I had to keep my temper.

'We could move away,' I suggested. They all turned to me in sync which scared me.

'We could, but the problem is they could track us down. We would also have to tell our other boss that we want to move, which will be difficult,' Namjoon says.

'We could at least try.'

'True. We could. It will still take a lot of effort to do so.'

We all just kept discussing with what we should do. I got bored so I slowly snuck myself out the room. 

I went to go see what Y/n was doing and once I got there I saw Y/n painting a picture which looked really dark and sad.

'What are you drawing?'

'Just a drawing,' she replies sounding sad and deep in thought.

'You sound sad. What's wrong?'

'Let's just say it will be a very long time until we can talk again.'

'I don't understand? Why are you saying that? Are you moving away?' I ask.

'Yes but no. You can think of it as moving away if you want to. I think of it as moving on and starting a new life.'

I was still confused but I decided not to ask anymore questions and just sit down on her bed and watch her draw.

After about half an hour Y/n says her drawing is finished.

I looked at the drawing and I really didn't understand her drawing.

'Please explain to me your drawing. I don't understand it,' I say walking closer to the drawing and then look at Y/n.

'There is nothing to explain about it. The meaning is whatever you want it to be. The meaning will be different for everyone. Maybe they'll have the same meaning but some will have different meanings for this drawing. I know my meaning but you might have a different idea,' she explains and the more I look at it the clearer the meaning became to me.

What I saw in the picture was a girl and a boy but the girl was lying on the floor while holding a rose in her hand over her chest. The boy was sitting next to her while looking at her affectionately. I see it as a girl just lying on the floor sleeping while the boy is admiring her and protecting her. The drawing isn't that clear so maybe some people will see it differently.

'How do you see it?' I ask.

'A goodbye,' was all she said.

'How do you see it?' she asks me looking into my eyes lovingly but still with a hint of sadness.

'I see it as the girl is sleeping on the floor and the boy is there with her to protect her,' I reply.

'Two completely different interpretations of the drawing.'

'That is very true. But how you drew it isn't that clear. It is more of like splodges of color made into something that looks remotely like people. Did you do that on purpose so that people can think of their own meanings?'

'Yes I drew it like that on purpose. I wanted to draw something that could have many different meanings to different people. I didn't want a set drawing like I always draw. I wanted to draw something different and that is what I came up with.'

'Ah. Ok... Um.. also I wanted to tell you something,' I say walking over to her and then sitting down on her bed.

'Yeah? Go ahead.'

'Well the boys and I were thinking of moving out the country and maybe starting a new life. Well we would still be singers and stuff but we wanted to start new. We especially wanted you to start new so that you can forget everything and become better,' I say.

'Sorry Jimin.'

'Huh? What do you mean?'

'I won't go with you. I will start a new life on my own. I already told Tae. I will leave in a few days. And in those few days I want to hang out with you so I won't forget you all. I want to enjoy my last days with you 7. Please understand that I want to start a new life on my own. If I was with you all I would still remember my past and I don't want that. I want to forget all that so I'm starting a new life all on my own,' she explains but I don't feel so sure about that because if she does start a new life on her own it could not end well because she doesn't have anyone to help her so she might not get better at all.

'Are you sure you want to start a new life on your own? You might need to take someone with you,' I explain to her.

'Yes I'm sure. I want to start all on my own. Now what time is it?'

'It's 3:15pm,' I reply.

'Ok thanks. Could we maybe go outside for a bit? Maybe to the park?'

'Um.. I think it's Ok. I'll just ask Namjoon. Wait there,' I say before going out to find Namjoon.

I really didn't want Y/n to go on starting a new life on her own. I wanted to be with her. I didn't want to leave her but if that's what she want's I'll let her go and do it.

'Woah there Jimin. Where are you off to?'

'Huh? Oh Namjoon! I was actually looking for you.'

'Oh? What's up?'

'Y/n would like to go to the park with all of us for a bit. Is that Ok?'

'Yeah that'll be Ok. I'll tell the others. Go get changed.'

'Ok. See you in a bit,' I say before running back to Y/n's room.

'Hey Y/n!'


'Namjoon says we can go. Go get ready. Do you want me to get Chae-yeon?' I ask.

'No. I can do it. If I need her I'll just shout for her. Thanks.'

I left to get changed and after about 30min everyone was at the door waiting to go outside.

'Is everyone here?' Namjoon asks.

'Yup. Everyone is here. Now let's goooo,' Kookie says.


I have exams next week so I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while. Also I wasn't in the right mind and stuff so I didn't want to write. I'll update the next chapter after next week.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now