~Namjoon's life~

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I'm the second to last person in BTS to talk about my life. There are some parts that I haven't told them about and some parts I changed a lot, but because I love talking they know most of my life.

'I was born in Sangdo-dong with my younger sister. For the three years where my sister wasn't born yet, I had a pretty normal life. I was always the best student in all my classes(yes even when I was that young), I loved making raps. Of course the raps I made were really bad, but I still did it for fun. My parents didn't always buy me everything but they did try and buy me some of the things I asked for. I always broke everything so my dad always had to fix it. In school I broke the door handle to the entrance of the school and I was locked outside. I wasn't thinking so I just stayed there until someone came to me. I could've gone through the back door but I was also to lazy to move. Eventually someone came and tried to open the door but because I broke it, they couldn't. After a while the door got fixed and I could finally enter the school. Also on the same day I broke a chair and desk. When my parents found out they got really annoyed because I break the things in school all the time and they keep having to pay for it to be either replaced or fixed.

Once my sister was born all the attention went to her. My parents only looked at her and not me. When I asked for a favour they ignored me, when I told them I broke something they scolded me, when I asked them when there is food they told me to make my own food. They just left me for her. I understood that she is a new born so they need a lot more attention but when my sister was three, my parents didn't even notice I was there. I was like a ghost. I started to hate her. I wanted her gone. I would always eat alone. I was always in my room alone and either doing my school work or staring at a wall.

My parents soon noticed me again but they treated me horribly. They always say I'm a disappointment to them. Whenever I broke something my dad would hit me.

As my sister and I grew older, she witnessed a few of the things my parents did to me. She felt sorry for me. She noticed how my parents changed when they were around me and around my sister. And whenever she walked in to when my parents were scolding me, they pretended like nothing was happening and were being super kind to me. I noticed that she didn't like it and I knew that she knew all about this.

My sister started to hang out with me a lot more and she was always by my side. When we ate she dragged me to the table and gave me a plate of food to eat. My parents would always glare at me but never said anything. After every meal my parents always wanted to "talk" to me and they told my sister to go to her room. I knew that she wouldn't. Once my parents thought she was gone they started shouting at me telling me to stay away from her and to not be seen at any of the meals. I nodded and left. My sister heard everything but she still dragged me to the table to eat with her and my parents. My parents got harsher and harsher every meal time "talk".

One day my sister had enough. She decided to confront them with me by her side. She filmed me getting scolded by my parents and then she walked into the room. She grabbed me away from them and told them that if she catches them scolding me one more time she is reporting them to the police. They got so mad at me because they thought I told her about it but she defended me by saying that she has been watching it all. She told them that she notices how they act towards each of us. They then said that she doesn't have any evidence of them doing that to me but she just told them to wait and see. If they did that again to me she will make sure they go to jail.

I was 17 and she was 14 when that happened. I didn't report them because they threatened me.

My sister has been staying in my room since she was 10. She wanted to protect me from them. I hated her before but now I lover her because she was always there for me. I would tell her anything. She wasn't a sister to me she was a best friend to me who I could tell anything to. I started to show her some of the raps I made and she told me to join one of the underground rap/band place to get money and make new friends. I followed her advise and thats when I met Yoongi and Hoseok. As my sister said I did make some money and friends. She was so happy when she found out.

One night I got dragged out my bed and neaten up. I looked at who it was and it was my parents again. I was praying that my sister will wake up and help me. After a while I heard the police and so did my parents. They wanted to escape but they were to late. They got arrested and my sister and I moved to Seoul.

My sister told me to audition for BigHit and she said that I will definitely make it with my rapping skills. Of course I followed he advise and went to audition. I got accepted and now My life is like this. Happy and wonderful,' I tell them. The boys looked pretty shocked hearing the rest of my life.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now