~Seokjin's life~

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All of the other members have told their story and most of them shocked me quite a lot. I didn't know that their parents could be so horrible to them. I felt sorry for them and it broke me knowing that their parents didn't love them.

'I lived in Gwacheon with my parents and older brother. While I was growing up I always loved watching my mum cook and I would sometimes help her cook as well. My brother never understood why I like it so much and would sometimes call me gay for liking that and pink. It never bothered me because I can like whatever I want and he can like whatever he likes.

My brother loved video games, skating, partying and just being away from me. As we got older he started making fun off me with his friends. I hated it but I tried to ignore it and just keep on going with my life. My brother soon became a drug addict and became such a rebel. My father would always scold him because he is making him look bad, seeing as he is a CEO, but my brother didn't care. He kept doing what he did. My father liked me more because I was not like him at all. My dad did think it was strange of me to like cooking and the colour pink but he'd much rather have a son like me than my brother. My parents were always loving to me and when I asked for something my dad would usually buy it for me but some things he didn't allow me to have but I was fine with that.

I cooked nearly everyday and soon I was better than my mum. I decided to start giving my food to our neighbour hood and then sell it at a low price. Everyone loved it. Except my brother. He was always drunk and tried to abuse me but I was always quick enough to get away from him. My brother then started threatening me and telling me to give him all my money so he could buy drugs and alcohol. I didn't want to but he was much stronger than me and his threats scared me so I gave in and did what he wanted. Once I gave him all my money he wanted more but I couldn't get more and so he started abusing me. He told me to get a job so he could get money. I did as I was told and got a job.

Every time I get home my parents wonder why I am always late home and why I have bruises on my body. I told them its nothing. I did tell them I got a job so I could get money instead of spending theirs. They were happy that I am making money on my own but they didn't know that I was doing that because of my brother. They hated him and so they banned him from our house and told him that he is no son of theirs. He stayed with his other drug addicted friends who also threatened their siblings to get money for them.

After a month of having that job my parents asked how much money I got and I started panicking because I didn't have any. It was all with my brother. I had to quickly come up with a believable lie. I told them that I spent it on food. Unfortunately my parents could tell when I lie. They didn't believe me and they told me to tell the truth. I couldn't get out of it, so I told them everything that happened the past month. I told them what my brother did to me and that he threatened me. They got furious and wanted my brother to pay for what he did. 

The next morning they went straight to my brother and his friends and scolded him. They told him that he has to leave me alone and not lay a hand on me otherwise they will put him into jail for illegal drug usage. He got so angry that he started shouting at them and throwing empty bottles at them.

My dad decided that he didn't want me to go anywhere alone, so he got a bodyguard for me. I was around 17 when this happened. I soon became close friends with my bodyguard. He was like a really close friend or a brother I never had. I would always talk to him when I want to and when I feel down or have a problem. He would always be there to listen or help me.

I wanted to go to Seoul for a bit, so my bodyguard and I went to Seoul and explored it. After we stayed there for a few years, my bodyguard told me that I should audition for BigHit because my singing is really good. Of course I followed his advise and they did accept me, but the strange thing was they didn't need me to do anything. They didn't need me to sing or dance. They just said I was in. It was probably because of my dads reputation or something, but I wasn't quite sure. 

When I was introduced into BTS I was like a mum to them. They all loved my cooking and they could never get enough of it. I looked after them a lot but I was also the one who they got embarrassed for. I was so silly they just found it embarrassing but then they were also like that. I also made a lot of dad jokes which Jimin usually laughs at while the rest just stare at me in disappointment.

When the boys heard me sing they were quite amazed. I always sang ballads. I couldn't dance but I could sing. My parents were really proud of me when they found out and I was happy that I made them proud,' I tell them.

'Now it's your turn Y/N,' I say.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now