~Jimin's life~

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We all sat around the table ready to tell Y/N about our life. Of course all the boys told me to go first.

'Ok so where should I start? Ah ok got it. As you all know I lived in Busan. I went to the same school as Y/N but we didn't talk much until I saw that no one wanted to talk to you, and you seemed quite lonely so I wanted to give you company, because of this rumour about your mum. Being that that she was married to many people but divorced them because she got bored of them and also didn't love them anymore. I didn't believe that rumour, so I talked to you. We quickly became friends and everyone gave us weird looks but didn't bother "bulling" us because I was really popular in the school and everyone loved me. We always hung out and thats how I met Taehyung. I knew that your mum divorced that man for a very good reason, which was that he abused her a lot and she found out he cheated on her but he always denied it. He said that he loved her but when she divorced him he became horrible. He started murdering every woman he got bored of or who left him. He wanted revenge on your mum but I didn't know what he did to get his revenge. Your mum told me to protect you at all times and watch out for any man that starts talking/ walking towards us. I did everything I could to protect you but when you were 14 I couldn't protect you. You started becoming distant from me. You always walked away from me when I wanted to talk to you, you were always busy when I wanted to hang out. One day you didn't come to class so after class I looked for you all over the school. The only place I didn't check was the back of the school. When I got there you were on the floor with blood everywhere. I took you to the nurse and treated your wounds. I wanted to tell you that I have to move but seeing the state you were in, I decided not to upset you anymore. When you woke up you asked me who I was. I got a bit confused because you knew exactly who I was but I figured you might have hit your head so you forgot, so I played along and just told you that we only spoke a few times. You then started crying and saying stuff like "why didn't you let me die?" and things like that. I told you that I care about you and that I wanted to protect you. After you calmed down you went straight home. I told you to just go home and calm down.

After school I went to visit you and see how you are. I was greeted by your little sister and she told me that you were upstairs in your room. When I entered your room I saw some blood on the floor and when I asked you why you said that you accidentally scratched one of your wounds on your leg open. I didn't entirely believe you because you were kind of hiding your left arm but I didn't bother asking why. I told you that I was going to move to Seoul in a few months and you seemed quite upset about it but told me to have fun there. I didn't want to go because I wanted to protect you. We talked a bit more and then when I accidentally hit your wrist you were in quite a lot of pain. I asked you whats wrong but you just shook your head and told me to go home. I bid my goodbye to you and the rest of your family.

Once I arrived in Seoul I went to the same school as Taehyung and Jungkook, we both became really good friends. Then one day Taehyung looked super upset so I asked him whats wrong. He told me that his parents and little sister got murdered. I asked him which one got killed he told me that you managed to survive but no one else did. Taehyung was told to get you to stay with his mum but when he went to get you you were nowhere to be found. You disappeared. You didn't go to your parents and sister's funeral either. All of us got super worried, especially Taehyung. No one could find you so we thought you got killed. I never forgot you but then I got into a car accident and I forgot my past. I forgot you and everything that happened. I had your phone number but when someone tried to hack into my phone I changed my phone number. I got everyones phone number back except yours. I just lived on, but Taehyung looked quite sad and also angry for quite a long time and when I asked him whats wrong he didn't want to tell me.

All of us auditioned for Bighit and they accepted us and after a few months we debuted as BTS. We also got offered a side job which was to find you for a special reason that they didn't tell us. Taehyung was quite happy to do the job but the rest of us kind of hesitated but then we accepted the job. When our boss showed us a picture of you you seemed quite familiar to me and I felt slight connection so I was eager to find you. We've been trying to find you for 5 1/2 years and then we found you.

That's a sum up of my life for you,' I say. The boys seemed quite surprised with my past life. I'm happy that I remembered it. I remember telling the boys a completely different past life story because I forgot about my actual one. 

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now