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I walked out of my grand white starship with my head held high. My maids and many guards trailed behind me. I stopped for a moment to look around at the beautiful city i haven't visited in many years. My dad would sometimes bring me here as a part of my lesson. He would introduce me to important politicians, senator and you name it. We would stay at the top of the Corellian building. 

"Where are people." I asked the guard beside me as i noticed there was nobody here. 

"I don't know my lady." He said looking straights forward. "They said that they had sent someone." Just as he said that i saw a man running out of a buss and headed in our direction.  

"Hello and welcome to Coruscant My lady." He said bowing once he reached us. "I am truly sorry for being so late."

"Who are you?" I asked with a frown on my tanned face.

"I am Lonn, and i am here to escort you to the supreme chancellor, and may i add that we are in a bit of hurry." He answers me. "You are not safe out here." He than said with worry in his voice.

"Very well." I answered him.

"Follow me My lady." He turned around and began waking so we followed him. He escorted us to the floating buss like thing, where i was seated in the front in-between two of my maids. The journey war rather silence, everybody sat there quiet minding their own business. Thru the very short ride i sat there looking into thin air, but my thought where interrupted by one of my maid placing her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her and she smiled telling me that we where here, I smiled back and stood up on my feet again. We walked out of the buss and begun following the man again.

A few minutes later we walked into a big office with a lot of red details. In front of us stood a metal desk with a matching chair, and in front of it stood four gray leather chairs. All of us stopped for a minute looking around in awe of how grand it was in here. A man walking into the rom interrupted us. Once he saw us a big smile formed on his old face and he began walking towards me. "Oh my, Hello miss Dolores, I am so pleased to see you safe and sound." Said Kalpana kissing both of my cheeks. 

"Hello Kalpana, it has been far to long." I responded back to him with a big smile.

"Take a seat pleas, we have a lot to talk about." He said with a smile, I nodded and sat down in one of the four chairs. "I am so sorry about what happened to your father, he was a great  friend of mine and he was also a great man." He said with a sad smile. "I can't imagine what pain you are feeling right now, but you have to continue you're fathers duties." He than said his face getting serious.

"Yes i know, and i will." I said straightening my back.

"And i know you will do t gre-"

"Chancellor?" I interrupted him.

"Yes My lady." He said a little scared of what will come next.

"Who killed my father." I asked in a stern voice.

His face fell. "Well we think its some-"

"You think?" I interrupted again sadness in my voice. "I risked my life walking the parade, your answer is not god enough. I need to know who Killed my father."

"We know who it is Lia Mara." He said looking down at his lap.

"Who?" I asked tears forming in my eyes.

"The Sith Empire." He said and everything went quiet. A tear fell down my cheek, I turned my head to the side and wiped it away. I can't go around and cry in front of the Chancellor himself.

"The Sith Empire?" I asked turning my head back to him again, and he nodded. "And now you think they took my mother too?" I asked him maning myself up.

"Unfortunately, yes i do." He said looking up at me.

I bit my lip. "What have Corellia done to them." I asked.

"Nothing, absolutely noting." He said. "They only want your money, resources you name it." He than said. "But they are no one in relation to us, we will always help you." 

"Thank you Chancellor." I thanked him with a grateful smile, my eyes still teary.

"You are safe with us Lia Mara, there is no need to be scared." I nodded feeling better with of words. "But just in case i have assigned a Jedi for extra protection." He said with a hopeful smile.

I looked at him with a weir look. "What is the point of that?" I asked like what he said was joke.

"I am being serious Lia Mara." He said with a stern look.

"Yeah i know, it just that i have enough guards to make an whole army." I said making a good point.

"Than think of it as a gift, all i want is for you to be safe." He said and i smiled at him for caring about me so much. "The republic will be noting without Corellia." He that said with a caring smile.

"Ok, i will take your 'gift'." I said with a small smile. "When will the Jedi arrive?" I asked him as a server asked if i wanted anything to drink and i denied with a small smile.

"Tomorrow sometime in the morning i think." He said happy for my approval. 

"Thank you so much for everything." I thanked him with a bright smile.

"Oh no its ok." He said waving it off.

"I think i should get to the apartment before it gets to dark outside." I said standing up from my seat. "I have got a long day ahed of me tomorrow." I said straightening my dress with my hands.

"Yes of course. I will be looking forward to our next meet." He said standing up himself. I gave him a small nod before turning my back to him and walked out of the gran room.

"Was it silly of me to cry in front of him?" I asked the maid walking beside me.

"Oh no i don't think so, i think he knows you're situation far to well My lady." She said and i nodded and continued walking down the hallway.

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