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"My Lady?" Someone said interrupting my thoughts

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"My Lady?" Someone said interrupting my thoughts. 

"Yes." I said looking up from the table to see everybody looking at me with concern.

"Are you alright?" The same voice said and i looked to my side to see Agrippa, senator of Alderaan talking to me.

"Yes, i am alright." I smiled awkwardly straightening my back.

"If you say so." Agrippa said. "We asked if you agree to send more weapons to the military on Endor?" He than asked as everybody looked at me.

"Yes, of course." I said looking down at the table again.

"I will immediately contact Endor." Mina the senator of Onderon said eying me. "This meeting is over." She than said making everybody stand up including myself. I stood there for a moment before following the others out of the room. Ever since i visited Jobal and Ruwee i can't stop thinking about marriage and having a little baby sleeping in my arms. Every time someone asked me why i haven't married, i would always say that i am to busy and that i really didn't want that right now. But after my visit, marriage and children was the only thing i could think about.

"My Lady." Someone yelled behind me, I turned around to see Mina on my heels.

"Yes?" I asked when she reached me.

"Are you sure you are alright?" She asked me with a concerned look.

"Yes, i am." I lied with a smile. "I am perfectly fine." I than said turning away from her ready to walk again.

"Are you one hundred prosent sure?" She said with made me stop from walking. 

"No." I said turning back to her. "I really want children." I than said looking down at my hands. "But i know i am not ready for it, and i can't stop thinking about it." I told her looking up at her to see she had a warming smile on her face.

"Lia Mara." She said laying her hand on my shoulder. "I have a son." She told me and i nodded. "I didn't knew his father and i was so embarrassed and i was only twenty too." She than said. "But once i held him in my arms i couldn't be more happy." She said and i smiled to her. "So i am telling you, what ever you decide on doing you are gonna be happy." She smiled her arm falling down to her side.

"Than you senator." I said to her. "This will help me really." I smiled. "But i have to go, someone is waiting for me back at my apartment."

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"Bennet!" I said jumping into his arms. "I have missed you so much." I said lying my head on his chest.

"I have missed you too Lia." He said kissing the top of my head. We stayed in this position for a while before i lifted my head from his chest, and gave him a kiss on his lips i have missed so much.

"I have missed those for the three last months." I said referring to his lips. He smiled and reached down to give one more kiss.

"And i have missed looking at you're beauty." He said when we pulled away. "And telling you how much i love you." He than said still holding me tight in his arms.

"I love you too Bennet." I said smiling before reaching up to his face giving him once again a kiss.

"Oh i have got something for you." He said letting go of me and walked to the couch. I watched him as he searched inside his bag with his hand. Laughing at his struggle i walked up to him and put my hand on his back.

"Do you need help?" I asked him but was cut of by him turning to me with a small wooden box in his hands. "What is this?" I asked as he put the box in my hands.

"Open it!" He excitedly said.

"Ok." I curiously said and started to slowly open it. Inside was a silver necklace with a small white rose hanging on it. "Oh, this is beautiful Bennet." I said looking up at him in awe. 

"So you like it?" He asked hopefully.

"No." I said giving him a hug. "I love it." I continued, kissing his cheek.

"Let me put it on." He said lifting it up from the box. "I was walking thru a small village on Endor with some soldiers." He said standing behind me trying to clip it together. "When i saw the rose i immediately though of smelling that rose back in the field on Corellia." He told me now standing in front of me. The memory of me and him on the picnic came into my head and i smiled in happiness.

"I love you." I said tears welling up in my eyes.

Hours later when the sun has set and the sky was dark i laid in our bed, bennet hugging me from behind. I was staring at the white wall before me and playing with the beautiful necklace he had got me. I knew Bennet was awake, he was drawing circles on my forearm. It has been two years and i still love him as much as the first day i met him. The time we where apart wasn't as bad as i thought it was gonna be, it went fast since i had my politics. He would always tell me stories about his missions, and i would tell him about my traveling. In the past months i had lived in my apartment on Corellia more, when Bennet was away of course. But when he came home i would always come back to Coruscant, where we lived together in my apartment. My life was perfect right now, but my heart was longing for more. 

"We should marry." I suddenly said breaking the peaceful silence. 

"What?" Bennet tiredly said.

"We should marry." I said again, sitting up leaning my back on the bed frame.

"You think so?" He said sitting up in front of me. 

"Well yes, of course." I said looking at him. "We have been together for what, two years now." I than said. "It would only be natural for us to take that step." I told him running a hand thru my hair. 

"If you want to." He said with a smile.

"I want to, do you?" I asked biting my lip.

"Of course, if you are ready." He said smiling even bigger managing my knee.

"Yeah." I laughed.

"Yeah." He smiled also laughing. "So when will this secret wedding happen?" He teased stroking my cheek.

"Emmm, tomorrow." I said and he raised his brows. "I don't have work tomorrow so i will call for a priest, while you do your cool Jedi business." I teased wiggling my eyebrows. "And when you come back we will be husband and wife." I than said taking his hand in mine. "And then you can love me in every way possible." I finally said kissing the top of his hand.

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