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"Goodnight children, be kind and i will call you tomorrow

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"Goodnight children, be kind and i will call you tomorrow." I said with a big smile on my face, as i watched them thru the transmitter.

"Yes, mom." They all said at the same time.

"Now off you go." I said raising my brows at them. "Tell dad to come." I yelled as the began walking out of the picture. I waited for some minutes before a familiar face came into the picture. "Hello love." I said leaning my chin on my wrist.

"What is happening Lia?" He asked with a serious face.

"Well that wasn't what i wanted to hear." I said giving him a strange look.

"There is many things you are not telling me." He said rubbing his face with his hand.

"I tell you everything Finnick, you know that." I lied, swallowing a lump in my throat.

"No you don't, tell me, where are you going right now." He asked clapping his hands together.

"A meeting with the Chancellor." I told him with a smile.

"And what will you be discussing there." He asked raising his brows at me.

"I can't tell you that." I said closing my eyes.

"See." He said in a light tone. 

"Finnick, do you really know what it is like here right now?" I asked opening my eyes again.

"No, because you don't want to tell me-"

"I am here, trying to save this republic, i am trying to save peoples lives and freedom. It is a dark time Finnick, times i never wanted. I never asked for this to happen, but it did. And that leads me to nothing but to try and do my best at creating peace. Goodbye Finnick sleep well." I said before   pushing the red button making the screen turn off.

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"I am sorry for being late." I said walking into the office filled with politicians.

"My lady, i didn't know you would be joining us today." The chancellor said with a surprised look on his face. "We are soon finished here." He told me.

"But i am here now." I smiled sitting down in the empty chair beside Padme. I looked at her and gave her a small smile, which she returned. "Pleas, continue." I told the Palpatine leaning back in my chair.

"Very well, I understand our reservations completely Senator, and i can assure you the appointment of governors Will in no way compete with the duties of the senate." He told Padme with a straight face. I looked behind him to see Anakin standing there. What is he doing here? He sensed me looking at him and returned the stare, i at once looked away. 

"May i take it than that there will be no further amendments to the constitutions?" She asked him with raised brows.

"I want this terrible conflict to end, just as much as you do My lady, and when it does, i guarantee an immediate return to the democracy." He told us with a smile.

"You are pursuing a diplomatic solution to the war then." She asked him with emotion.

"You must trust me to do the right things Senator, that is why i am here-"

"But surely-" The old man from our meeting tried to said but was also cut off.

"I said i will do what is right, that should be enough for your committee." He said looking straight at me with cold eyes.

"On behalf of the delegation of two thousand, i thank you chancellor." Padme said standing up to her feet.

"I thank you, for bringing this to my attention senator." 

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