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I stood in a field  the sun burning my skin. "Lia mara." I heard some one shout from a distance. "Lia Mara." I heard the same voice shout again.

"Who is it." I said looking around for the voice.

"Over here!" The female voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw a women in the distance. I squirt my eyes and saw the women i had lost. She was standing there beside my dad with a smile holding his arm tight.

"Mom, dad!" I yelled  and began running towards them. When i was some meters away something hard hit me making me fall down to the ground. I looked up again groaning in pain and saw nothing. What did i run into? My parents still stood there with smiles on their faces. I stood up on my feet again lifting my hand in front of me and began walking again. I stopped again when my hand met something. It was glass.  looked up again at my parents again to see them still standing there. Suddenly a man inn all black append behind them, the same uniform as the man who took my mother and the same man that ran after me and Bennet in the Senate building ."Mom, dad. Behind you." I yelled in fear hitting my fists on the glass. Their face fell into a serious expression and the man took my mother and threw her over his shoulder. My mother screamed but my father just stood there emotionless. Before i knew it the man held a blaster up to my fathers head. "Noooooo!" I yelled and the man looked at me before pulling the trigger making me shut my eyes. "No." I said my eyes still shut. "No, no, no." I said again opening my eyes again. Before my eyes was a dark purple planet. It was almost black.

 I looked down as saw i was not in the field anymore. I was standing on shiny black metal floor. I looked out out the window again as,owas in space. I turned looking around and saw i was standing in a corridor on a unfamiliar ship. Than i heard a women scream, it was my mother. I heard her scream again and i quickly ran down the direction i heard the scream come from. When i reached the end i saw another window. But it didn't have a view of space, it had a view of a white room. I slowly walked closer and saw a women striped up on a hospital bed. It was my mother. She had many cables sticking out of her, and on her head laid a helmet . 

"Tell me where it is." A man said coming into my view, it was the same man from before. My mother shock her head. "Tell me or i will kill you!" He screamed in her face and she shock her head. "Ok then." He said turning around and pushing button on the wall. My mother screamed again. "No." I yelled hitting the glass with my palm. The man looked at me and the next second something hard hit the back of my head and i blacked out.

End of dream.

I shot up from my bed screaming panting like a dog. I looked around and saw i was back in my bedroom again. I sighted in relief and closed my eyes trying to control my breathing. I crawled out of the bed not wanting to stay in the room any longer. Closing the door behind me I wandered around the Castle ending up on a small porch over looking the woods. I stood there for a long time watching as the sun rose up from behind the trees. It was peaceful, for once. It has been to much lately, i haven't gotten time to think for a while. But i could only think of my weird dream i had, i would rather think of Bennet. But it was something different with this dream in comparison to my regular dreams. It felt so real, like it is gonna happen. I feel like it is a sign or something.

"Are you ok, i heard you scream." Someone said behind me. I turned my head to see Bennet standing there R2 right by his side.

"I had a dream." I told him looking back at the sunrise again. 

"A bad one?" I asked walking to stand beside me.

"Yes." I said frowning. "But it felt so real." I told him. "I felt so much pain." I than said looking up at him. 

"What was the dream about?" He asked curiously.

"My mother." I said looking down at my hands. "She was in so much pain i could feel it myself." I than said looking up at him again. "It was on a ship i have never ever seen before and i saw this-" I said cutting myself up when i realized it.

"You saw what?" He asked but i ignored him turning to towards R2.

"R2 show me the map of the Mid rim." I commend him and he beeped in response before lighting up a map. I walked around trying to find the right planet. A dark shaded planet caught my attention and i walked to it. It was it. "Malastare." I whispered to my self. "My mother is on Malastare." I said turning back to Bennet. "That was what the dream was trying to tell me." I than said. "But we can't use my ship because they will know it's me, but there isn't any local transportation to Malastare here, but we can go to-"

"Wait how do you know for sure." He cut me of with a confused look on his face.

"It's like i have always know." I said frowning to myself. "We have to go." I said desperately.

"No we will stay here." He said shaking his head laughing. "You need to be safe." He smiled taking my face in his hands.

"You don't believe." I said shacking my head pushing him away from me. 

"I do, but what if she isn't there." He said.

"She is there." I shouted at him. "With or without you, i will go." I said and began walking back to my room. "Come on R2." I said and he began rolling after me. "But if you want to do you job and become a Jedi knight or whatever you said, you better come with me." I said stopping looking at him behind me. "Are you coming or not, i need your final answer." I said. A smile crept on his face and i smiled back. "Meet me at the front in 30 minutes." I told him still smiling before turning to walk back to my room.

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