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I sat in the control room with two of Bails pilots

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I sat in the control room with two of Bails pilots. Bail had gone of to greet our two Jedi guests who had just entered the ship. I quickly stood up from my seat as i heard the door oped. "This is Leader Dolore, you may know here." Bail introduced be to the two Jedi.

"Know her, i do. Old friends we are." Yoda said and gave me a small smile. 

"Hello Yoda." I said to him and returned his smile. "But i believe i have never met you before." I than said and turned to face the man with ginger hair.

"I am obi-wan kenobi." He said and bowed to me.

"It is very nice to meet you." i said and gave him a nod before sitting down in my chair again. 

"We are going back to Coruscant." Bail said and sat down in the seat beside me.

"We are receiving a message from the chancellors office sir." One of the pilots said turning his head to look as Bail.

"Send it." Bail ordered him.

"Yes sir." The pilot emidetly aid and pushed a button. In seconds a small screen appeared and one of Palatines closest member appeared on the screen.

"Senator Organa, the supreme chancellor requests you and Leader Dolores presence at a special session of congress." The blue man told us.

"We will be there." Bail responded to him with a nod.

"He will be expecting you." The blue man than said  before the screen turned off and his face disappeared.

"It could be a trap." I suggested looking at the three man.

"No, i don't think so, the chancellor will not be able to control the thousand star systems without the senate attached." Obi-wan told us.

"If a special section of congress there is, easier for us to enter the Jedi temple it would be." Yoda said looking at obi-wan.

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"And the Jedi rebellion has been for filled." I heard the chancellor say as me and Bail walked onto the pod, where Padme was waiting for us.

"What has happened?" I asked Padme sitting down beside her.

"The chancellor has been elaborating a plan, that the Jedi tried overthrow the senate." Padme told us as Bail sat down behind us.

"I have hunted them down, and they have been killed." Plapatine than said making me look at him. He looked older. "The attendant on my life has left me scared, but i assure you that the actions has made me stronger." He than said making everybody clap and cheer. "In order to assure the security and continuing accessibility, the Republick we reorganized into the first galactic empire." He finished making every body roar with applause.

"What?" I said shocked at his words. "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."

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