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It was early in the morning and the sun has just taken the moons place on the sky of Coruscant

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It was early in the morning and the sun has just taken the moons place on the sky of Coruscant. I have already eaten breakfast and gotten ready for the day. I was currently sitting in my new office doing paperwork. This office was the same that my father had, and it's the same office where my father would instruct me of how to do things. I looked at my desk where paper upon paper laid there waiting for me to read and sign. Letting a big breath i leaned back in the glass chair, i held my hand up in front of my face and studied the beautiful ring placed on my right ring finger. It was a beautiful ring i must say, It was a color of silver and had many diamond details on it. 

"My lady!" Someone said from the door and i quickly shoot up from the chair pretending i was doing my work. 

"Oh yes, what is it?" I asked the young  guard standing in the door way.

"The Jedi have arrived." He said looking straight forward.

"Let them in." I said brushing my fingers thru my hair and straightening my back. The guard opened the door fully. Two figures walked into the room. One tall and one very tiny. My full attention was on the tiny one. "Yoda!" I said in a surprised voice. "Is it really you." I than said standing up from my seat walking in the tiny green man's direction, my shoes clicking against the floor as i did so.

"Good to see you it is dear Lia Mara." He said giving me a little bow.

"Oh, i haven't seen you in years, it's god to see you to." I said with a unbelievable smile. "They never said you where going to protect me." I said in a extremely exited voice.

"Protect you i will not, my padawa will." He said and looked up at the man i had forgotten was here. I looked up in his direction and was meet by two beautiful brown orbs already looking at me. He had brown perfect shaped hair, a sharp jawline and a serious look on his face. And like Yoda that had brown robes, he was wearing black ones. "This is Bennet Barrel Skywalker, protect you he will."

"It is a pleasure to meet you My lady." He said bowing to me.

"It is a pleasure to meet you to." I said with a small smile. "Sit down please!" I said my smile growing bigger. I walked back to my desk and sat down in my chair again. The two man followed me suitly after and sat down in the two chair before me. "Let's get down to business."


Some hours later i was looking out of the big window in the music room. The sun had started to set and the sky has turned into a dark shaded of pink and orange. The city was of course very busy and some of the street lights had already been lit. The meeting with the two Jedi had been a short one. I was told when the young Padwan would be with me, and that turned out to be all the time. He would follow me to meetings and stand behind me thru them. He would have to accompany me in my office, and he where to stay at my apartment at all hours. Poor guy, because i think he will bee doing this for a long while to. 

Out of boredom i walked towards the piano that stood in the middle of the room on a round lifted panel. It has been a while since i played the big grand black instrument. I walked in front of it and pressed down one of the white keys. It made a loud light tone and i smiled to myself as memories poured into my head. I sat down on the stool that stood in front of it. My fingers hover over the keys as i began playing one of my mom's favorite songs. Moonlight Sonata. I played the song with my emotions and the melody could probably be heard in the whole apartment. I looked up for a second and was shocked to see Bennet standing in the wide doorway in front of me, with a big grin covering his handsome face. I stopped playing and looked at him.

"Don't stop, it is a beautiful song." He said walking further into the room.

"Oh, but i am sorry to inform you that i don't play in front of anyone." I said looking down at my hands laying in my lap.

"Well that's a let down, i could listen to that all day. My lady." He said now standing in front of me. "What is this." He asked brushing his fingers over the black glossy material.

"It is called a piano." I said straightening my dress a little bit. "it is a really unusual instrument i could say, but it is actually very common to play it where i come from." I says brushing my fingers over the black and white keys. "My mom learned me to play it." I said smiling.

"Oh, is she back at Corellia?" He asked leaning agains the instrument. 

My face fell sad once he asked the question. "No, she is gone." I said standing up from the stool and walking back to the big window. 

"I am sorry My lady." He said and i herd footsteps nearing me. "I didn't know." He than said standing behind me.

"It's ok." I said looking down at  the city. "So where do you come from." I asked him.

"Tatooine." He shortly said now standing beside me. "I lived with my family till i was five. It was myself, mother, father and my big sister." He said and i looked at him for a second.

"What happened?" I asked looking back out of the window.

"Well we where very poor so someone, forced us into slavery, with our last money mom and dad sent me to the temple since i was force sensitive." He said with no emotion. "My sister was suppose to come with me, but she didn't want to. She wanted to stay and take care of Mom and Dad." He said looking down.

"I am so sorry." I said rubbing his shoulder with my hand. He looked at my hand than at my face with sad eyes, so i gave him smile and he smiled back.

"Looks like we have something in common." I said letting my hand fall back down at my slim side.

"Yeah." He said with a little laugh. "So, how is it to be a leader over a whole planet?" He asked crossing his arms ver his chest.

"It could be worse." I laughed and he laughed along with me. "I thought it would be harder, but it has only been three days." I told him watching as more street light lit up.

"I love this city." He suddenly said.

"Me too." I said looking up at his face. He felt me looking and looked down at me. We stood like this for what felt like hours. 

"My lady?" Some one yelled. My stare stopped and i turned to look for the voice. Lana suddenly popped up in the doorway. "There you are." She said walking up to me. "Hello." She said to Bennet who was standing beside me. "You're bath is ready." She said with a smile.

"Yeah, i am coming." I said to her before turning to Bennet again who was already looking down at me. "Thanks for the talk, goodnight." I said before following after Lana and hearing a soft 'goodnight'.

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