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"I am happy to hear that your'e enjoying your small, holiday, My lady

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"I am happy to hear that your'e enjoying your small, holiday, My lady." Lasses said thru the hologram call we where having.

"Yes, i haven't been here for years." I smiled at him. "Have you heard any more of the attack?" I asked him.

"Yes, i actually heard something." He said nodding. "The rumors where true, it was the Sith empire." He disappointedly said looking down.

I looked at Bennet who stood at the other side of the room. "The same that killed my father." I said looking at Lasse again.

"Yes, unfortunately." He said. "I have heard whispers that they are hiding somewhere in the mid rim." He than told me. "They are voting on going or not." He than said.

"That is great news." I said feeling tears well up in my eyes. "Goodbye Lasse." I said before ending the call. I stood up from the chair and rushed out of the room. I ran as fast as i could up to my room.

"Lia Mara." I heard Bennet yell from behind me, but i ignored him and kept running. Once i reached my room i slammed the door shut and sat down at the end of my bed. I sat there looking straight at the wall in front of me before breaking down in tears. It was all my fault.

"Can i come in." I heard him say from the there side of the door. I ignored him again and began wiping all of my tears away. Before i knew it the door opened and i looked up to see Bennet standing there with a worried look on his face.

"What makes you think you can come into my room without my permission?" I asked looking up at him my eyes still teary. He walked further into the room and sat down beside me. I looked up at his eyes.

"It is all my fault." I said feeling a tear run down my cheek.

"No, It is not your fault." He told me, his hand resting on my cheek.

"Yes it is." I said another tear falling down my cheek. "All those people that got hurt at that party." I said wiping it away. "Was because of me." I than said.

"You can't decide what the Sith empire does." He said still looking into my eyes.

"Of corse not, i know." I said rolling my eyes. "But i can't live like this, knowing people are getting hurt because of my presence." I said standing up walking towards a window. For some minutes i stood there looking out of the window in since. "I need to do something before any one else gets hurt." I said breaking the peaceful silence. "I just can't sit here and wait." I than said turning around to look at him.

"I know." He said standing up walking towards me. "But there is nothing we can do about it right now." He smiled now standing right in front of me. I looked lovingly up at him with a smile. 

"I know." I said before reaching up giving him a hug. 

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