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3 years later

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3 years later

"It is just two more days." I said leaning back in my chair.

"You said that two days ago." Finick said passing back and forth in front of my office desk.

"I want to see Padme before we go back to Corellia." I told him brushing my hand over my big belly.

"I know that, but we have been here for almost two months now and I am done with this place." He said and sat down in one of the chairs in front of me. 

"Finnick dear." I said taking his hand in mine. "It is a very stressful time now with the vote and a new supreme chancellor. You just have to be patient." I than told him giving a small smile. "You put yourself up to this when you married me." I joked making him laugh.

"I guess so." He answered me.

"Now go and complain to someone else." I sarcastically said waving him of.

"Will do." He said and gave me a kiss before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. The door opened again and i looked up to only see his head sticking in.

"Yes." I asked.

"Don't stress to much, it is not good for the baby." He said giving me a wink before closing the door again. I laughed to myself before going back to the paperwork. Me and Finnick married  almost two years ago. He was one of the nicest men i have met. He helped me forget my hard past and got me to think of the future, and how good it will be. I loved him, very much. But i will never love him as much as i loved Bennet. I will never forget Bennet, i will never forget our love for each other. But i had to let him go and think about my new family. Finnick and the little baby we where expecting in only some weeks.

And then there was Anakin. My little baby. I missed him. I haven't seen him since i dropped him off at Tatooine. I stayed there for some days before saying goodbye.


"Me and Bennet married two years later and one year later i got pregnant with Anakin." I told her smiling down at my little baby.

"But where is Bennet?" She asked smiling at us two.

My face fell. "He died. Ten days ago, the same day i gave birth." I than told her and looked up at her. Her face was now sad and shocked. "He crashed his ship on Hoth. He was low on fuel and was going to pull up but a rebel ship hit him. He died second after the crash." I told her feeling a tear drip down my face. Shmi was speckless, and i understood . She had just been told that her brother, which she haven't seen in years, died. 

"Did he keep his promise." She said her face still emotionless.

"What promise?" I asked curious.

"To be happy." She said as a tear ran down her cheek.

"I think he was very happy." I said with a little smile. I rose up from the chair i sat in and walked to sit beside her on the small couch.

"Shmi, i have to ask you to do me a favor." I said taking my free hand in hers. "I can't keep Anakin." I told her and she liked up at me. "Where i come from, it is agains the law for a royal to have a child outside marriage. They will kill us both." I than told her as i felt more tears fill my eyes. "Take him as yours, and tell everybody that you carried him, that you gave birth to him and that you raised him."  I than said squeezing her hand. "And that there was no father."  I finally said.

"I will." She answered and squeezed my hand. I looked down at anakin before laying down him in Shmi's arms. "He is so little." She said hugging him close to her. I watched as she smiled and swayed  him back and forth in her arms. 

"And one last thing." I said making her look at me. 

"Yes?" She said.

"If there is an opportunity for him to become a jedi, let him decide if he wants to become one."

End of flashback.

"My lady." A voice recognized as a guard said making me come back to reality.

"Yes?" I said with a small smile on my face as i looked down at the floor.

"I just got informed that the queen of Naboo has arrived." He told me.

"Good." I said looking up at him. "Do you know where she will be staying?" I asked the young guard.

"The senate building." He answered with a nod.

"Get my speeder ready."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"Padme." I said as i saw her all dressed up in her Queen outfit.

"Lia." She said running up to me and giving me a big hug.

"I have missed you."  I told the girl i have known since birth, hugging her back.

"I have missed you too!" She said pulling away from the hug and giving me a smile. "Pleas, sit Lia." She said and walked over to a couch. "Look at your stomach." She said sitting down n the sofa, making me laugh.

"I have heard what is happening on Naboo. I can't believe wha's happening with the galaxy." I said sitting down beside her.

"I know." She said shacking her head. 

"But what took you so long to get here, i got your message two days ago." I asked taking her hand in mine.

"Oh yeah sorry, we had to stop on Tatooine. Our ship was hit and we had to get new parts." She told me. Tatooine? "We landed in this trade, scam city i think is called Mos Espa." She than told me. Mos Espa? "And while we where there we met this boy who helped us get the parts. He was apparently very unusually strong with the force. I even heard that he is the chosen one" She said making me very curious and sceard at the same time. "He is a very nice and sweet boy, we brought him back so he could be trained." She than said with a smile on her face.

"Really, what is his name?" I asked.

"Anakin." She told me. Anakin? Then everything stopped. It felt like i couldn't breath. Was he really here? "He gave me this." She said holding up a leather chain necklace with a wooden peace hanging on it.

"How nice of him." I said taking it into my hands and exclaiming it, acting calm. But in the inside i felt nothing but shock.

"But i also heard he won't be trained. For everything he has helped us with, i think he deserves to be trained." She than said.

"Why?" I asked furious, but did't show it.

"Too old."

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