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2 months later

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2 months later

"Ahhh, My lady!" Lasse said as i entered my pod. 

"Hello Lasse." I smiled letting him kiss booth of my cheeks, before sitting down in the chair beside the one Lasse had just sat in. "Do you know anything about this meeting?" I asked him as the lights dim.

"No, nobody knows." He said both of us watching as the supreme chancellors platform rise in the middle of the big rom.

"I have got a bad feeling about this." I nervously said leaning back in my seat.

"Silence!" One of the man standing beside the chancellor yelled, and everybody in the room silenced and focused and on the powerful man standing in the middle of the room.

"First i want to thank everybody for coming here at such short notice." Kalpana started. "For a long time we have been fighting on the planet of Voss, to stop their slave trading." He told all of us. "This situation is now out of control and we will now be sending the survivals back to their homes." He said which left us all surprised. "There will be no vote, the matter his already discussed with the high council and has now turned into an order. Thank you for you're time." He finally said and his platform began lowering it self.

"What!" I whisper yelled to both me and Lasse, staring down as Kalpana disappeared thru the floor. "We have't discussed this with him!" I told Lasse looking at him. He had a strange, confused look on his face.

"I don't understand, why stop fighting when we are almost done." He said looking up at me.

"I don't know." I said looking down at the floor.

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Bennet's pov.

"Bennet!" Someone yelled banging on my door. My eyes shoot up and i sat up in the small bed.

"Yes, come inn." I yelled back rubbing my eyes. The door opened and the figure who walked inside i immediately reconciled him as Stan, one of the soldiers on my troop.

"Sorry i didn't know  you where resting, but we are having a meeting in the big hall." He told me looking down at the floor.

"Thank you, i will be out in a second just wait for me outside." I answered him standing up from the bed.

"Yes sir." He said with a bow before walking out of the rom, shutting the door he had just walked thru. I rubbed my hands over my face before standing up and putting my large robe on. My eyes caught my own reflection in the small window, my appearance had changed a lot thru the years. Facial hair had started growing on my chin, but it was almost unnoticeable. A small scar had taken place on my right cheek some days ago. Lia will probably be so over dramatic when she sees it, she always get overdramatic, i thought a smile covering my face. Oh how i miss kissing her plump lips and holding around her beautiful small frame. These past 2 months has been hard, it is so weird because i never have this feeling of guilt whenever i leave for a mission. I sense that something has changed, that something was waiting for me back home. I have never been able to sense her feelings, she is way to strong of a women for that.But  It is only a few days left before we win this thing and i can go back to my wife.

"Bennet are you coming?!" Stan yelled from the other side.

"Yes, i am coming right now." I answered looking one last time at myself before opening the door and walking down the long hall.

"What is the meeting about?" I asked Stan who was trying to keep up with me.

"I don't know." He answers walking as fast as he could beside me. "They won't say anything on the matter." He than said.

"Ok." I nodded a little confused, but shook it off and kept walking. Before we knew it we where standing in the big room which was full of soldiers, from all over the galaxy. I saw some familiar faces standing in a corner so i walked up to them.

"Hello soldiers ." I greeted them and all of them turned to look at me.

"Sir." They all said endgame me a smile.

"Do you know what this meeting is about?" I asked them and walked to stand in their small circle.

"No, nobody knows." He said but was cut of by some one loudly tapping the microphone that was standing on the small, set up stage. One of the offices went up to the microphone looking extremely nervous, with sweat running down his face. 

"Yes, hello." He nervously said and whipped his forehead. "The supreme chancellor himself has sent us a hologram, and more can't i say." He told us making everybody confused.

"What is he on about." I heard a solider say out loud. Suddenly the light turned off and a large hologram appeared up on the stage.

"Hello everybody, firstly i wanna thank you for your braveness and patience. As you know this fighting has bought many too their deaths, and we can't go on like this. Me and the hight senate council has decided that it is the best for everyone that the survivors return to their home planet ." He told us making everybody shocked. "I hope you will unde stand us and be grateful for you're return, thank you." He lastly said and the hologram disappeared. Everybody was quiet and shocked. The high senate council? Lia Mara is one of them, how does she dare? Taking all of these life for granted just for her own will.

"Grateful?" Someone yelled breaking the silence. "How can you say something like this, men where killed for nothing?" He than yelled making everybody look at him. "How can we ever be grateful?"

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"Chancellor?" I yelled walking as fast as i could to catch up with him, my guards following me. "Chancellor?" I yelled even louder making him stop.

"What little girl." He angrily said turning to look at me. I looked at min in shock, a little taken back by his behavior, so i stayed silent looking at him with shocked eyes. "See you are just a little girl, i don't understand how anybody could ever give you such a powerful position." He told me with a smirk.

"I am sorry to break it down to you sir, but i am not the problem here." I said putting my usual straight, series face on.

"Than who is?" He asked me thru greeted teeth.

"You are!" I yelled like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I am?" He said in surprise. "I just saved thousands of lives!" He yelled at me making spit fly on my face.

"No you didn't, supreme Chancellor." I told him with an ironic tone. "You just made thousands, even millions of lives hate you." I said. "How dare you go behind the senates back!" I whisper yelled at him.

"You would never agree, i had too!" He yelled.

"There is an obvious reason we would not!" I yelled back. "You just made men die for nothing!" I whispered in anger. "And you blamed it on the high council!" I finally said. Kalapan stood there in shock, his mouth hanging wide open. 

"How dare you yell at the Supreme Chancellor." He shouted before slapping me as hard as he could across my face. In shock i laid my hand over my cheek and looked up at him with angry eyes.

"I hope you burn to death." I whispered to him and spat in his face, before turning around again and walking out of this damn building

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