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I looked at myself thru the mirror

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I looked at myself thru the mirror. For the first time i thought i looked beautiful. The dress, which i bought in rush, was actually pretty. I liked it, a lot. Everything was ready, the Corellian priest was already here, i actually got a cake and i had found a night dress, witch hanging in the bathroom waiting for the night to come. I was nervous, i have never made love before. Bennet hadn't even seen me naked yet, He had only seen me in my underwear. 

One time a lady i was sitting next to at a dinner party asked me if i wanted to come over and have drinks with her girl friends , she turned out to be the wife of a political friend of mine, so i of course excepted. At the end of the night i had maybe a little much to drink, and i was in a very intoxicated position. In easy words, i was extremely drunk. We somehow ended up talking about sexual activity, or lovemaking as they called it. They said it was not very enjoyable and overrated, they also said it hurt but it was ok because it only lasted a couple of minutes. But i don't really know who to believe, i haven't heard one good word about those ladies. 

Once i realized that i was day dreaming i shook my head back to reality. I combed my hands thru my straightened hair, that was now reaching my hips. I looked at myself for the last time before walking out on the small balcony connected to our bedroom. The priest stood in the corner reading in is book. He looked up at me giving me a smile, witch i returned before walking to the railing. I leaned my elbows on it looking down at the city like i always seem to do. It was mid day now and the sun had started to set behind some tall buildings. The sky was still blue, but shades of gold had made their way in random places.

"I have only seen you from behind, but i already know you look stunning." A familiar voice said from behind me. Bennet, i thought as a smile spread across my face. I slowly turned around to see Bennet taking mouse steps toward me with a smirk on his face. My eyes followed his every movement as he walked to stand before me. "You look beautiful." He said lost of words with love in his eyes.

"Thank you." I said my smile never leaving my face.

"Let the ceremony begin." The priest said walking to stand in front of us. I went to hold my hands out, Bennet was to busy staring at me so he didn't notice. I laughed and nodded my head down to my hands. He soon came back to reality and laid his hands on top of mine. 

"Sorry, i have never done this before." He apologized to the priest who waved it of and laid his hand on top of Bennet's.

The priest began to talk, but all i could do was looking into Bennet's brown eyes that i have always loved so much. This would be the day where me and Bennet would become husband and wife, the day where we would start a future toughener. And sometime in that future we would have small children running around our feet. 

For two years i have felt something so strong it is hard to explain. We where connected my mind, body, heart and soul. I knew him more than anyone else. He saw my small details that nobody had ever bothered to notice. He was the one i will love for the rest of my life.

"Do you Bennet Barrel Skywalker, take Lia Mara Dolores as you're wife and promise to cherish her, to shield her from the powers of the dark side and to protect her at all cost no matter what course the galaxy sets you on?" The priest said to Bennet.

"I do." Bennet smiled looking me straight into my eyes.

"Do you Lia Mara Dolores, take Bennet Barrel Skywalker as you're husband and promise to cherish him, to shield him from the powers of the dark side and to protect him at all cost no matter what course the galaxy sets you on." The priest than said looking down at me.

A big smile covered my face as i felt tears form in my eyes. "I do." I finally said.

"You may share you're first kiss as husband and wife." The priest said before turning and walking inside.

"I love you." I said shacking my head.

"I love you." Bennet said with a smirk on his face before slowly leaning down and connecting our lips together.

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I stared at the door that stopped me from looking at Bennet. I am so nervous, i can't think. I had already changed into my night gown, that showed way more skin that i would like it to do. But whats the point, he is gonna see me bare anyway. I took a very deep breath before slowly reaching my hand out to press the button. When i pressed down its surface the door quickly opened revealing Bennet sitting on our bed, in only his pants. When he noticed me he nervously sat up straight taking a deep breath as well. It was dark, but some light from the window lit up the side of his handsome face. With small steps i slowly began nearing him. When i was about half a meter away from him i stopped still staring intently into his eyes. I slowly began untying the robe before letting it fall to the ground, leaving him to see me all bare. He stared over my body his mouth hanging open, but soon took action and stood up. He slowly began walking towards me with small steps, and i watched his every move.

"You are so beautiful." He said now standing right in front of me. "I love you." He than said stroking my cheek.

"I love you too Bennet, more then you know." I told him with a small smile. 

I got inspiration from a story called FIRESTORM, which was written by @anikenobi . Go cheek her out because she has got many good stories.

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