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I stood looking out of the big window

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I stood looking out of the big window. Space was such a beautiful place. Every inch of it. Bail, Yoda and Obi-Wan stayed on Coruscant. For my own safety they sent me to an 'planet' named Polis Massa, located in a asteroid field. Ever since i came here i have felt pain. But not on the outside, i was hurting on the inside. I didn't know why but i have a feeling it has something to do with Anakin. With order 66 being executed, no Jedi was safe. But i know Anakin was alive, i felt him. He was sad and confused. All i wanted was to know he was safe. 

"Ahh." I screamed falling down to my knees while clinging my hand to my hurting heart.

"My lady, are you ok?" One of the guards outside the door, asked concerned while running towards me.

"Yes, i am fine." I lied, still feeling the pain in my chest. "Help me stand." I said and he soon took action and helped up to my feet. "Have you  heard anything?" I asked him looking out f the window again.

"Senator Organa and Yoda is on their way here." The guard answered me.

"Good, what about Obi-wan?" I than asked him still looking out of the window.

"All i know is he is not on Coruscant." He told me and i nodded my head.

"Very well." I said and i heard him walk away. The pain in my chest was still there, and i don't think it would be going away for a while. 

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"Padme!" I yelled as i saw Obi-Wan walking off the ship with Padme unconscious in his arms. "What happened?" I asked running up to them. "Take her to the medical bay." I than said when i didn't get any answer. Me and Obi-Wan who was still carrying Padme ran as fast as we could towards the medical bay. When we reached it i yelled for a medical droid before leading Obi-Wan into a operate room. He carefully laid her down, not wanting her to be hurt.

"Come on My lady, let the droid do it's job." Obi-Wan told me. I ignored his words and kept my stare at the girl i cared for so much. "Lia." He than said making me look up at him with worry. I slowly nodded and let Obi- Wan lead me outside.

"What happened?" I asked him once we stood outside and the door closed.

"Anakin." He simply answered me looking down at the floor.

"What about him?" I worriedly asked him.

"He choked her." He told me and looked up into my eyes. No that is impossible! They are in love! I quickly liked away from him and let my stare rest at Padmes weak body.

"I don't believe you." I stubbly said. "He would never hurt her." I than said, but in a whisper.

"Anakin has turned to the dark side, I saw with my own eyes security footage of him killing youngling." He than told me making me look at him with shock.

"What?" I said in fear. "But where is he now?" I asked him feeling tears form in my eyes. "Did you kill him?" I than asked him even tho i knew he was alive.

"No, he killed himself, he killed Anakin. He is now called Darth Vader." He said and looked down at the floor again.

"I am so sorry, i knew you two where very close." I said after taking a deep breath, retuning my sight on Padme. 

"Is she ok." I heard Bails voice say from beside me.

"I think so." I answered him not showing any emotions. Than the door opened and the medical droid came rolling in.

"Medical she is perfectly healthy. For reasons we can't explain we are loosing her." The droid told us making the pain in my chest even stronger.

"She is dying?" Obi- Wan said in shock.

"Why?" I asked looking at the droid.

"We don't know why, she has lost the will to live. We need to operate quickly, if we want to save the babies." He than told us making me frown in confusion.

"Babies?" Bail asked just as confused as i am.

"She is carrying twins." The droid said making me shocked. I looked at Bail shocked, he felt my stare and looked up at me with a similar face.

"Shh, Padme." I said a while later while stroking her forehead. She continued to scream until a baby's cry filled the room. I looked at the medical droid and saw a small baby in her hands.

"Issita oida." The droid said, with i don't know what means.

"Luke." Padme said just as the droid laid the child in my arms. I smiled down at Luke, this moment reminded me so much of when i first met Padme. "Oh Luke." She said as i lowered him down to her level. She tearfully stroked his cheek before screaming again.

"Oba, oba, oba." The droid than said, which i believe means push. Suddenly a new cry filled the room. "Issitaia oida." The droid told her.

"It is a girl." Obi-Wan translated to her as the droid laid the baby girl down in his hand.

"Leia." She said with a small smile on her face as she looked at Leia. "Obi-Wan." She than said struggling to breath. No. "There is good in him." She whispered her face turning serious. "I know, know there still." She said before taking one final breath. Her head fell to the side, signalizing us that she was gone. I let out a shaken breath and put my hand over my mouth.

"Padme." I whispered as tears began running down my face. "No." I whispered and looked up at Yoda with terror in my watery eyes. He gave me a sad look before shacking his hand and turning around. 

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