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"Senetor Organa, what is happening?" I asked him thru the communicator

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"Senetor Organa, what is happening?" I asked him thru the communicator. "The Jedi temple is burning, i don't understand." I than said watching as smoke filled the sky.

"I don't know My lady, i was just going to go there and find out." He said.

"Pick me up." I told him as i felt tears from in my eyes. What if Anakin is dead?

"I can't do that you have to stay safe My lady." He told me in a rush.

"No, you will come and pick me up Senator." I ordered him.

I watched as Bale's speeder land down on the platform. With rushed steps i ran towards his speeder and jumped inside it. We zoomed thru the sky as fast as we could towards the burning temple. We didn't change any word, we both had to many thoughts floating around in our heads. When we reached the temple we landed at the first platform we saw. As i stepped out of the speeder, i coughed, from breathing in the thick smoke. I looked forward and saw a group of clones walking towards us. 

"What is going on here?" Bail asked walking up to the clones, me right behind him.

"There has been a rebellion attack sir. Don't worry the situation is under control." The clone in the middle said. Bail tried to walk past him, but the same clone than held his blaster towards him. "I am sorry sir, but it is time for you two to leave." He than said nodding his head at the speeder.

"Excuse me but do-"

"It is ok, and so it is." Bail said stopping me from saying anything stupid. He than turned around and began leading me back to the floating vehicle. 

As we walked i heard a lightsaber being drawn, Anakin!  "Get him." A stormtrooper said before firing his blaster. I turned my head and saw a little boy fight the stormtroopers with his blue glowing sword.

"No, we have to help him." I told Bail making him look behind us, at the scene. He dragged me behind the speeder, and i looked above it just in time to se the young Jedi getting shot and falling down to the ground. "Nooo!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, just as i felt strong pain inside me making me loose my balance.

"We have to go." Bail told me before lifting me up in the speeder.

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"Hopefully we will be able to contact a few Jedi, before they walk into this catastrophe." Bail told me as we walked down the hall of his ship.

"Senator?" I said and stopped walking.

"Yes My lady." He answered me stop walking as well.

"Do you have a transmitter i can barrow, i have to contact my husband." I asked looking at him with desperate in my eyes.

"Very well." He nodded with a straight face. "Mark, lead her to the transmitter room." He ordered the boy standing behind us.

"Yes sir." He said bowing to Bail. "This way May lady." He than said before turning around and walking down the hall. Second later he stopped in front of a room and pushed the button beside to, making the door slide open.

"Thank you Mark." i said before walking in to the room. I sat down in the chair and began typing in the number for my transmitter back in my office on Corellia. I pressed the call button and leaned back in the chair waiting. "Come on Finnick." I whispered to my self while biting on my nails. "Come on-"

"Hello?" A familiar voice suddenly said. I closed my eyes and let out a breath i didn't know i was holding. "Hello, is that you Lia?" He asked in relief. 

"Yes." I said in relief.

"Lia! I was worried sick, why haven't you contacted me-"

"You where right Finnick." I said cutting him off. "I don't tell you everything. I have joined an alliance, going agains the chancellor. We are creating a rebellion." I told him with an emotionless face. "You have to stay on Corellia and protect our children." I than said in a serious tome.

"Where are you now?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"I am safely on Senator raglans ship." I answered him with my brows furred. "I love you Finnick, but i have to go."

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