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I ran

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I ran. I ran as fast as i could. I was naked and cold, but i didn't care. All that was left for me to care of was my child. My beautiful Anakin. My beautiful five days old child. It made me forget about Bennet, but i didn't want to. I didn't want to forget his touch that made my body go weak. I didn't want to forget his lips connected with mine. I didn't want to forget how every time we would make love, it felt like it was the first time. I love him way to much to forget him. And now that he is gone, i can't keep Anakin. I don't have a husband anymore, and that treason in Cornelian law, having a child when you aren't wedded. They would sentence us both to death,  and that killed me inside.

"My lady, you need to stop!" I heard Joulee yell behind me. I turned my head and saw here running after me only a short distance away from me. I quicken my pace and saw the meadow nearing me. Reaching it i stopped in the middle and looked around. I saw the rose and the small lake. "My lady!" Joelle yelled once again. I saw her approach the meadow and she stopped to look around for me. Once she saw me she began running again, and so did i. I ran toward the small lake and jumped. The water wasn't warm anymore. It was cold, cold as ice on Hoth. Where my husband died. I had asked a guard and he told me what happened. Bennet was pulling up because of low fuel, in the act a rebel star ship fired at him and Bennet lost control of the ship and crashed down to the ground. Dying within seconds.

"What are you thinking?!" Joulee yelled as she pulled me up to the surface. I looked at here for a second before i broke down in tears.

"My husband is dead and i can't keep my child." I cried out and Joulee hugged me close to her. "My husband is dead and i can't keep my child." I repeated myself and hugged back.

"Shhhhh." She said trying to stop my crying. "I know." She told me and stroked my hair. "I am so sorry Lia." She said hugging me closer. 

"He is dead." I said tears streaming down my face. "He is dead." I said agains shacking my head.

"I know Lia." She said and pulled away to look at me. "But you had 4 wonderful years with him, and you only get a few wonderful days with Anakin. You need to spend time with him before it is to late." She told me.

"You are right." I said whipping my tears away with my wet hand.

"Come on, let's get you out of the water." She smiled and began helping me. "Here, take my jacket." She said covering my naked body with the long jacket.

"Thank you." I said giving her a smile.

"Come on lets get back." She said and began leading me back to the big castle.

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  5 days later

"Are you sure you don't want me or Lana to come?" Joulee asked as i stood outside my ship, with little Anakin peacefully sleeping in my arms. 

"Yes, this i something i have to do alone." I told them smiling down at my beautiful son. "Meet me back in Cornet in three days." I said looking up at my two good friends. They both nodded and i walked up to them and went to give them both a side hug. "Thank you for everything you have done for us." I said smiling at them.

"Anything for our leader." Lana said and Joulee nodded in agreement. I gave them one last smile before turning and walking onto one of my smaller ships. I went in the front to the control room and pressed the buttons that made us fly up in the air. I began to fill in the coordinates for our destination and when we reached space i pushed down the handle making us jump into light speed. I leaned back in the chair and looked down at Anakin who was yawning. I reached down to hold his hand and he instantly gripped one of my finger. I laughed as i watched him open his sky blue eyes.

"You have got my eyes." I told him and he made a made a cute noise in response. "Can you understand me." I asked while giggling. His hand reached for my hair and played with it. "You like my hair?" I than asked as i watched him making noises. I tickled him and he instantly looked at me with a shocked expression, i went to tickle him again and he began laughing.

Hour later a small ringing woke me up from my sleep, signalizing me that we where soon there. I pressed the handle up again and the lightning around the window disappeared and the red/orange planet replaced my sight. I set the ship into pilot mode and tried to fly the ship with one hand. I successfully flew to the city Mos Eisley.

"Can i get permission to land?" I asked thru the communicator.

"B-11." A weird voice replied. I searched for the platform and found it moments later, sending my ship landing on the small platform a little beneath the ground. I turned the ship off and stood up and walked off the ship, Anakin still in my arms.

"What are you rich girl doing here on Tatooine?" Asked a strange creature.

"Can you point me the direction of the slave quarters." I asked him.

"Well, yes of course." He answered with a small smile. "This way." He said and began walking towards a metal staircase. We climbed up, me being extra careful with Anaking in my arms. "It is not far from here, walk down that street." He told me and pointed at a small, but crowded street. "When you reach a little market, selling fruits and stuff. From there you can see them." He than told me and gave me a smile.

"Thank you very much for your help." I thanked him and give him a smile. And then i began walking. I entered the big crowd and tried to hide my face. My face is not that unknown, if you know what i mean. People gave me looks and stared at me, i just ignored them and kept walking. Soon i reached the market, as the man told me. I looked around and saw the apartment in a little street to my left. My dress flew around from the wind as i walked down the long street. Then i saw it. Apartment number 231. i looked down at my hologram bracelet and saw the same number, 231. I took a deep breath before slowly walking towards the brown door. My hand reached up and rang the doorbell. I heard a small buzz and took a step back. Moments later the door flew open and a middle aged woman stood there. It has to be her, they look so much alike.

"Hello." She said a little confused and looked down at little anakin.

"Hello." I said back with a smile. "Are you Shmi Skywalker?" I hopefully asked her.

"Yes." She said and crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Good." I said in relief. "I am Lia Mara Dolores, leader of Corellia." I told her. Her once confused look turned into a shocked one. "And this is Anakin Skywalker."

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