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I laid in bed thinking about my conversation with Bennet the other day

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I laid in bed thinking about my conversation with Bennet the other day. Its already three days ago, we haven't really talked since. Small talk here and there and some hellos but that's all. I have anyways been busy either in my office doing paper work, or been at meetings with other politicians. He had of course been there but i have been to busy working.

I had enjoyed our conversation in the music room and i am desperate to talk to him again. I know he is in the living room, he always is, its his job. And i really can't sleep, my thoughts is to much for me. I sat up in bed, debating if i should go or not, and that ended up with me walking towards the living room.

When i walked thru the door i could see him sitting on the white couch with his back to me. I stood there for a minute just staring at him.

"I know you are there." He said tiredly. I walked towards him and sat down on the couch opposite him. I looked at him and he looked at me. he had dark bags under his eyes.

"You look tired." I said to him almost in a whisper. "You should sleep." I than said with a slight smile on my face.

"You know i can't." He said still holding our eye contact. "Can i ask you something?" He said before i could answer.

I nodded. "Of course you can." I said kindly.

"What happened to your mother?" He asked staring at me. I looked down at my feet.

"She was taken." I said still looking down at the ground.

"Tell me." He said worry rising in his voice. I looked up again, meeting his deep brown eyes.

"I was twelve, t's seven years ago. We where playing hide and seek in the gardens of our summer castle and it was my turn to hide so i did, before i knew it i heard a scream and ran to where i heard the sound and the last thing i saw was a man in all black walking onto a ship with my mother on his back. I was to late. I could't save her." I said tears forming in my eyes of the memory.

"I'm so sorry." He said leaning forward.

"But i know she is still alive, i can feel her." I said wiping the tears that had fell down from my eyes. Oh great, our second conversation and i am already crying. I am so childish. "But the past is the past, i have to think of the future." I said kind of smiling. Its crazy how my mood can change so fast, i am too weird.

"Now its my turn to ask you a question." I said lightning up the mood a bit. He nodded smiling a bit. "Have you ever fell in love with somebody at first sight." I asked ask to flirt a little with a smirk placed on my face.

He smirked back laughing a bit by my stupid question. "You know i am not allowed to love?" He answered still laughing.

"That is not quite the answer i was hoping for." I said with a bit of sarcastic sassy tone.

"Maybe i have, i don't quite know yet." He than said leaning back staring at me. My heart raised and butterflies formed in my stomach hoping for it to be me, even tho i shouldn't.

"And what is that suppose to mean?" I asked giggling stupidly.

"I don't know, do you know?" He said back smirking proudly of his response.

I laughed. "Are you teasing me Mr Barrel." I said giggling looking into his eyes.

"I would be to frighten to tease a lady." He said smirking and kind of laughing at the same time. "And especially a beautiful lady." He than said staring right into my eyes.

My breath got stuck in my throat and the stupid butterflies made it's way back into my stomach again. "What do you find so beautiful about me?" I questioned biting my lip.

He stood up walking towards me and took the seat beside me on the white couch. I watched his every move nervousness rising inside of me. "You eyes, your lips, your hair, your laugh, every thing about you is beautiful." He whispered softly looking at me with kind eyes.

"What if i am a monster inside?" I  whispered jokingly while trying to avoid the romantic air knowing it was wrong.

"I doubt that! The way you treat people so nicely, in relation to other senators and queens and kings that i have met, you have a kind and loving heart." He explained, his words warming me inside by his kindness.

"Thank you for your kind words." I said looking down at my hands. "Nobody have ever told me that i am beautiful before." I than said looking up into his eyes.

He smiled at me. "Trust me, the only thing i hear nowadays are people saying they want to meet you and you are so beautiful they mistake you for an angel." He said his smile still on his face.

"Really?" I said surprised raising my brows.

"Yes." I said skin down at his lap. "I think all the padawas and younglings have a crush on you too." He laughed his two dimples showing on his cheeks.

"They better not be." I giggled hugging the robe close to me so i didn't show to much.

"What is that?"He asked pointing to my ring. "Is it an engagement ring?" He questioned his face falling into a sad look.

"Oh, not even close to one." I laughed. "It's the traditionally leaders ring." I said showing him it. "They say that the one who carry it has the power of making anybody or anything good." I said and he held my hand studying the ring closely. "But it is only a myth."

"It's beautiful." He said letting go of my hand.

"Thank you." I said before looking at the clock on the wall. "It is getting awfully late." I said getting up from the couch.

"Yeah." He said whipping his palms on his trousers.

"It will be vise for me to head back to bed." I said before walking towards my bedroom again. "Goodnight." 

"Goodnight My lady." I answered me with a yawn. 

 "Call me Lia when we are alone." I said turning around to look at him for one last time.

"Ok Lia."

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