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2 years later

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2 years later

"Leader Dolores, it is nice to finally meet you again." The darker clothed man said with an evil smile, while he sat on his high throne.

"Emperor." I replied and deeply bowed to the man i hate. "I thought you promised that you would leave me, my family and my planet alone, if i gave you the plans." I angrily said with an emotionless face.

"Yes, i did. But i am the Emperor and i can to what ever i desire." He told me and evilly laughed. I took a deep breath to control my anger.

"Promises don't work like that, Emperor." I said and purposely spat out the last word.

"But i don't care." He said and gave me that evil smile again. "I have heard rumors, My lady." He slowly said.

"And?" I asked straightening my back.

"They say that you and your stupid planet has joined the rebellion, going agains me!" He yelled and stood up from his throne. 

"You shouldn't believe everything you hear." I told him getting nervous as he slowly stepped closer to me.

"You know, i fancied you a long time ago. I really thought we had a future together." He told me making me surprised. "But when i found out you where sleeping around with a Jedi." He force fully said making me jump. "I began hating you." He whispered in my ear. "If i find out this rumors is true, i will kill you." He than whispered into my ear before taking a step away from me. "Leave!" He yelled and turned away in mental shock before rushing out of the rom. Something inside me knew, he knew, and that he had already done something.

- - -

"Stop." The guard said as i stepped out of my speeder, his hand stoping me from going any further.

"What?" I asked in confusion before looking down. I gasped as i saw the dead guard lying in front of us. "No." I whispered before running as fast as i could inside.

"My lady!" The guard yelled as i heard his steps follow mine. My feet ran as fast as they could up the stair leading to the living room. The first thing i saw when i reached the top was the sight i never wanted to see. The six persons i loved with my heart laid in front of me, dead. My heart stopped and i fell down to my knees. How can he do something like this? I thoughts as i broke down in tears. "No." I whispered as i looked at them peacefully laying there. I slowly reached my two fingers towards my husbands neck to check if had any pulse. One my fingers touched his cold still skin, i quickly jumped away from him and began crying more. They where all dead, because of me. And my stupid deceptions. I looked down in front of me to see a red envelope laying on the floor. My hand picked it up from the ground and opened it.

This is what you get for betraying the Empire. It stood in big black letters. 

"Is it true?" A dark voice said from behind me. "Is it?" He repeated himself as i heard his heavy steps nearing me. Anakin.

"Yes." I simply said looking straight forward, letting the letter fall out of my grip.

"Than why did you leave me?" He asked, his voice filled with sadness.

"Because i loved you, and i wanted you to live." I told him standing up. "I could't let you die." I than said and turned to face the dark armored Sith.

"You left me to be a slave!" He yelled stomping his foot down on the ground. 

"You have every reason to hate me Anakin." I told him feeling a tear run down my cheek. "Shmi was your aunt, and the only person i could trust in the whole entire Galaxy. I knew she would love you, i knew you would be safe." I than told him nervously swallowing the lump in my through. He turned his head to not look at me. 

"Who was my father?" He asked still not looking at me.

"Bennet Barrel Skywalker. I fell in love with him and married him. He died the night i gave birth to you." I told him making him look at him. "He was going to leave the order when i gave birth to you and we would all live a peaceful life." I than told him looking straight at him. "Anakin, pleas. this is not who you really are." I said and took small steps towards him.

"Don't." He said looking down at the floor, making me stop walking. "I am so sorry, mother." He said before drawing his red light saber and sticking it thru my stomach. I gasped at the pain i knew was coming, looking down at the red blade. I looked up at Anakin again and smiled. 

"I love you." I said stroking my hand over the side of his helmet, before feeling myself fall and my vision disappear.

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