"I miss you like crazy" Jeff Atkins x Reader #1

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Warning(s): Making out/almost smut, drunk reader (For those who doesn't like drinking) fluff

Y/N - Your name

It has been 2 weeks since you and your boyfriend Jeff talked to each other because of a stupid argue you had over you and Zach Dempsey's friendship. Although Zach wasn't so much like his friends, Jeff was being jealous. You told him that he has nothing to be jealous over but he kept keeping you away from everyone, so one day you snapped out at him and ended up in a huge argument that leaded to both of you not talking to each other. You hated it, and you wanted to do something but didn't know what to do, so I kinda waited until something happened. At least I thought something could happen so everything was fixed up again. You seriously needed to do something because you know you can't live with this forever

"Y/N, heeeyy" Jessica Davis, your best friend shouted happily before giving you a hug. "You want to come to my party tonight?" She asked. "Jess, I would love to but I have a lot of do-" "Cmon Y/N, please, It'll be fun" "why do you want me there so much, I didn't get it" you laughed and placed some books at your locker. "You're my best friend . Cmon, pleeassse." You just laughed and said "Fine but I'm not coming there to party. Only to take care of you so you won't do something silly" you rolled your eyes playfully and both of you laughed. "Are you gonna tell your boyfriend too?" You instantly felt your body frozen. "I, I thought you were gonna tell him. Yourself" you forced a smile. "No worries, Justin already told him. He's coming" Zach showed up out of no where and smiled down at you and you smiled back. Your eyes suddenly fell at Jeff, who was staring at you and Zach. It looked like he was gonna kill him, because you could see his arm, which was showing his nerves and his hand on a fist. "Oh well see you there" Jess smiled and left. "So you're coming too?" Zach asked. "Well now I have to" you laughed. "Cool. Then see you around" "Yeah for sure" and we both made our goodbyes. He left, and Jeff were nowhere to be seen. You felt like that stare he gave was a sign of "You have a lot coming for you". You just sighed and locked your locker and contained the day

At your house

You were done showering as you did your make up. You still had a towel wrapped around your body. You dried your hair and strengthened it. You weren't really a party person but when you go there you liked to dress up good. You picked an outfit and watched yourself at the mirror, to see if you need to change anything about it

  You picked an outfit and watched yourself at the mirror, to see if you need to change anything about it

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You didn't see a problem with it so you kept it. You took your phone and a small pure you could wrap around you, and a necklace Jeff gave it to you on your anniversary (A/N: not the one in the picture. You can imagine your own necklace, like a small one). "Mom I'm going!" You shouted. "Wait wait wait. Where to again?" "Mom I told you 5 minuets ago" you laughed. "I'm just helping a friend with homework" "and what homework?" "Uhh, history. Yeah history" "alright sweetheart than have fun" she said. "Love you!" You shouted and left the house. Jess's house wasn't far away from your house, just some blocks away. You usually liked to go with your car but it was on repairing, so you had no choose. You were either going with Jeff or with your car, but not now.

You walked in front of Jess's house and some people were already drunk and waisted. You passed your way through people. "Y/NNN!" Your best friend Jessica threw herself on you, which was supposed to be a hug but she was too drunk to stay on her feet. "You actually came? And you're actually pretty sexy too, not gonna lie" She said loud as the music was playing and everyone was screaming. "Hehe, yeah thanks. You look nice too" you said. "Oh Jeff's here by the way. Be careful so he won't do anything to you" she said. You forced a laugh and said "Heh what do you mean" "you know" she winked. You just rolled your eyes playfully. "Oh shit I forgot to give you a drink. Wait here" she said and even before you could answer she was gone to the kitchen. You wasn't really a party type of person so you just stayed there waiting for Jess to come back. "Hey Y/N, you showed up" your friend Alex greeted. "I thought you didn't like parties" "aha, I never said I didn't like parties, Alex" you tried to sound smart but it was meant for sarcasm. "I'm only here to watch after Jess, because I didn't plan to come actually" "by the way I saw your boyfriend. Why aren't you with him?" You looked down your feet and said "About that. We kinda had an argument, and now we don't talk" you said still looking down. "For how long?" "2 weeks" you said quietly. "Oh wow that's a long time" you laughed a little and said "Yeah". It was a second of silent before Alex broke it. "Well I'm going, I'm here with my friends so, see you later?" "Yeah of course". Alex left and you waited awkwardly on Jess leaning against the wall. You heard someone's footstep and you felt someone get close to you. You looked up and it was your boyfriend Jeff, which you haven't talked for 2 weeks straight. "Hey" you said quietly and a little bit confused. "Hey" he said coldly and just passed you. "Oh god. Did I do something wrong? Is he mad at me? Did he lose feelings for me already?" You started to question everything. Your friend Jess came with a red solo cup and handed it to you. "This, my friend, is vodka" "oh well I didn't know at all. It's a party and you handed me a solo cup with water on it" you were really hurt by how cold Jeff was a minute ago, but you also had room for sarcasm. "But seriously. Thanks Jess" "No problem. Now excuse me but I have a Justin to make out with" she winked. "Don't do anything you regret later" you shouted as she was walking to the living room. You instantly felt like the pain inside of you were growing and you felt like you needed Jeff. Like seriously. You felt like your mind was killing you, so you decided to drink it away. You drank your Vodka done and went to the kitchen and filled some more and drank that too. Then an other one (A/N: An otha one 👀 No? Okay bye) and you were gonna pour some more as Zach stopped you. "Wow chill there Y/N. You don't drink this much, what happened?" You just forced a smile and said "Nothing. Just in the mood" as you were pouring more. Half way of pouring your drink someone leaned to the desk and smiled at you "Hey girlfriend of mine" "Oh great" You thought. "What Jeff?" You just continued pouring your drink. "What can't I say hey to my girlfriend" he smiled and put his hands on your waist. As you missed and adored the feeling more than anything you pulled his hand away. "Jeff, why don't you just go hang out with, whoever you came here with" "No one, I actually came here because to help Clay. Hannah's here, you know" you just rolled your eyes and poured more and more. "You're not drinking that much are you?" "Well yeah of course" you just glanced at him. "No you're not" he said. "Uhm, and who the fuck do you think you are, exactly?" "Your boyfriend" he said. You just looked down at your cup and mumbled "Like you've been acting like it for the past 2 weeks.." you tried to say it as quite as possible but he heard you say something "What was that?" He said. "I said it's not like you've been acting like my fucking boyfriend for these past 2 weeks, so why do you come up to me and tell me to not do things just because now you're 'my boyfriend'?! I hate that Jeff. One second you're cold to me like I did something so fucking wrong and now you're here talking to me. After 2 weeks straight, without talking, like we never knew each other. It hurts me Jeff. I want to do something but I feel like you don't fucking care when you do these things. I'm confused Jeff. I miss you like crazy, but it doesn't seem like you care at all. It's hurting me like shit. Why me Jeff? Why me?" Your eyes were red from wanting to cry. Oh god the alcohol already started to kick in and you started to act like someone you're not. "Y/N.. you got-" "No Jeff I don't want to talk to you. So if you excuse me, i have a Vodka to drink" you cut him off and you was about to take a sip of your drink and Jeff just smashed it out of your hand. "JEFF WHAT THE FUCK?!" You screamed but he had already smashed his lips against yours and pushing your body against the wall.

To be continued...

I DID IT AGAIN. IT'S ALMOST 4 IN THE MORNING. HELP ME THIS BECAME AN ADDICTION. No but really I'll write the next tomorrow, I'm super tired XD Thank you for reading ❤️ - Achy

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