"I'll take care of you" Jeff Atkins x reader

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Guys, I broke my replay button.

I literally had no idea what to write until I got inspired from my fav ship

I literally had no idea what to write until I got inspired from my fav ship

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Lmao I had this holiday homework were I had to write a story for my English class but none of my parents's computer are good enough for that. Oh well sorry teach, at least you can write stories on ya phone on wattpad XD

Anyways, I just hope you enjoy this :3.

The house was getting filled with high school teenagers as I walk back home. In my own house? Who even threw a party in my house? I immediately ran into the house. I saw my best friend Kat. I ran up up to her with my eyes wide open. "What the hell is this Kat? What is all these people?!" I asked. I was terrified of parties and mostly social events, not only with that,  I was very shy too. I get really anxious and I lose it. I hated parties more than anything. "Oh this is just the last party I threw before I move. Nice isn't it" (Btw don't turn on me if this isn't really Kat's personality, it was almost over a year since I watched 13rw and I honestly didn't pay attention to her character when I watched the show. I almost remember nothing XDD) Kat said. "In my fucking house Kat? Seriously?!" I raised my voice at her. For some reason I would feel weak and unsafe in parties. It doesn't have a background story, but for some reason I don't know why I was so against parties nor why it would always make me so anxious. I always thought Kat knew cause I was never really a party type of person and that I never would go to parties or would be involved into things near parties, so I thought I'd never tell her anyways, but clearly she didn't know. "Chill Y/N it's just a party, plus my house wasn't free so I thought my best friend wouldn't have a problem with me having my one last party, right?" She said sipping from her red solo cup. I just fisted my hand and felt my nails digging into my skin. "Y/N are you alright? You look a little.. pale" Clay asked as he walked into the house. "I-i'm fine.. I just feel sick" I said trying to walk away, feeling like I couldn't breath. I felt the fear down my spine, which by time turned into anxiety as I felt the music loud, almost so loud that the house was shacking. When I was too busy walking to my room, I hit someone. I apologized not even bothering looking up to who it was. But as I was trying to pass through them I felt too weak to stand on my feet. I was about to fall when someone grabbed me by my waist tight so I didn't fall. I looked up to who it was and it was the famous Baseball player of our school, Jeff Atkins. "Y/N What happened?" He said looking worried as it looked like I was gonna pass out or even throw up. "Here let me help you" He said helping me to my room. He slowly laid my head on my pillow. My eyes was closed as I refused to open them. Jeff realized that my breath was getting heavier by seconds and that my anxiety getting worse. "Jeff.." I whispered through the fear. "I don't want them here..." I said in a very low voice. "Hey, it'll be alright" he said and gently brushed my forehead. "I don't want them in my house, I don't want them here..." I started to cry by the music blasting the house. "Jeff I'm so scared" I started to cry. He just pulled me to a tight hug cause he already understood what was wrong, so he didn't question anything. "Y/N you don't have anything to be scared of, I'll take care of you" He said in a soft, comforting voice as he brushed my hair to calm me down, which helped a lot actually. I felt myself getting calmer while my face was buried on the crock of Jeff's neck. My grip around his waist was tight through the whole hug.

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