"it wouldn't be that bad to have some alone 'quality time'" - 1

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Hey. I'm back. Hope ya'll missed me. Probably didn't. Last time I was here, it was January. After that my brain stopped with ideas and idk what to ever write xD but ToriBogdan was here, yet again, to save my ass. So don't kill me cause I stole your idea. I'm desperate.
Also I'm too lazy to write about *gags* Bryce, and *gaga* Monty (ESPECIALLY AFTEE LAST SCENE OF SEASON 2. IF YOU SAW THAT SCENE, U UNDERSTAND WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY) so I'm just gonna put in a random dude I came up with, lel.

Basically what happens is that, Y/N and her bf Jeff goes to party and a girl starts to flirt with him, and he let's her so Y/N can be jealous, but little do they know, she's not someone to be messed with. So she shows this to both of them

Warnings: Smut, kind of I guess xD bad English, probably cringe af. Little bit of fluff? That's all I guess xD


"Cmon Y/N, live up a little" My friend Hannah said, pulling on my arm, begging me to come to this stupid party a guy *coughs* one of Bryce Walker's an other jock friend's is having.

"Hannah, you know that's not my thing. Leave me alone" I said laughing, trying to free my arm away from her grip. "Y/N you're so boring. You're coming with me. And I don't take no as a answer. Plus it wouldn't be that bad to have a it wouldn't be that bad to have some alone 'quality time' with your little Jeffy" "Omg Hannah, fuck off already" I laughed, then groaned. "Fine. I'll come to that dumb party, instead of laying on my sweet bed, in my pajamas. If I get bored, it's your fault tho" "I promise, you won't. I gotta get to my geometry class, see ya around" "see ya"

I went to my locker to get some things for my next period. I jumped when someone leaned against the lockers. It was someone very recognizable. Tall, handsome, smells good. Liberty high's famous baseball player. My precious Jeff Atkins.

"Hey babygirl" he said smiling, sneaking his hands around me to my waist and pulling me closer and his my forehead. "Hey lover boy" I said, snuggling on his neck. "Please say you're coming to this party, Trevor or whatever his name is's party. Hannah's forcing me to come" "Angel, you know I won't leave you in any cost. Especially not in a random jocks party. Hell no. Besides I have someone who's forcing me to come to" he said nodding at Clay Jensen's direction. He had a huge crush on Hannah, even if he acted like he didn't, it was visible. The bell starts to ring. "I gotta go" I said rolling at the fact that i even have school. "An other hour of hell" I said, which caused Jeff to laugh at my ridiculousness. "I'll tell you when i'm gonna pick you up. See you later beautiful" He said kissing my nose. When i was about to leave, he pulled me back and placed a kiss on my lips. "Much better" He said smiling. "Idiot"i said smiling and rolling my eyes playfully at him

*Time skip, just cause i can*

I looked at myself in the mirror to see if i needed to change anything. I didn't so much either. Just fixed my eyebrows and put a ouder on. Like i said, I wasn't even a glad with parties. especially from liberty high jocks. I stop looking when i hear my phone vibrate.

Hannah Banana: This is gonna be fucking amazing

Me: This is gonna fucking suck

Hannah Banana: Don't be such a party pooper! We're going, and that's finale

Me: Btw Jeff's picking me up? Do you want us to come and get you to?

Hannah Banana: Nah i'm good.I'll see you at the party



I got my jeans jacket and put my phone inside my pocket and went down stairs to open the door, to see Jeff immeditaly. I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck, placing small kisses at his neck. "You look stunning, mi amor" (A\N: *Trips and falls outta bed*) He said while smelling my hair and holding me close. "Are you just gonna stand there cuddling me, or should we go inside" "Hannah will kill me if i don't show up. Let's go" i said pulling him to his car


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