"Hello there, knife" - Jeff Atkins x Reader

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I'm in school rn and it's 11 minuets for 9am and like none of my friends are here and like I'm actually really sad, because someone I like ended up being together with an other person, but it's also because everything feels like it's being wack only because life just hates my guts lol

Also here's some pictures. Idk why. Please don't hate me. I'm really tired and class is about to start and like yeah :):):):)

 I'm really tired and class is about to start and like yeah :):):):)

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Me to my friend: am I accepted to hogwarts yet?

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Me to my friend: am I accepted to hogwarts yet?

(Sends this to her too, because I don't have anything else to do in life :D)

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(Sends this to her too, because I don't have anything else to do in life :D)

(Sends this to her too, because I don't have anything else to do in life :D)

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And I guess my friends cat because I don't have anything else to do wassa

Okay, real talk now. This is inspired by a book I'm reading, and in this book it's a teenage boy who starts in a school, and he has rumors about being a rapist, and that he had kill someone and like he's basically a kid who's been through so much, like he smokes, he has a bad life with police and shit, and he's a bad boy (secretly a angel) and he meets this girl who's just a normal teenage girl and they end up being kind of together but this dude is like "my life is too fucked up for you. You don't deserve someone like me" and shit and yeah.

So, I thought how about the reader is the 'bad boy/girl'

And I know I mostly write the reader to be a girl but I'm actually really accepting if you're a guy and read these stuffs too. I know maybe I won't stop writing the readers gender as a female but if you're a guy, you could just ignore the fact that the reader is a she, ONLY IF YOU WANT TO. And yeah. Okay I'm gonna start writing, and it's gonna be shit because I honestly don't know what to write really :D

So how do i even explain this. Okay the reader moves away from their recent school because of their ex boyfriend and he is a egoistic asshole, like so asshole he actually turns out to be a psyco, only because of pride, so he moves schools too to 'get her back' but he finds the reader talking to Jeff Atkins, in the other hand. Atkins finds himself starting to develop a crush on Y\N, and drama drama dramaaaaa


Are you sure you're gonna be fine with this?" my therapist asked me. No i don't have any mental illnesses, but having problems with the police over the years doesn't quite give you the free time you truly want. Even need. I wasn't someone so 'ordinery' compare to other people. Haviing to move away in families, having a lot of problems. You know, jeans jacket, smoking high schooler. The 'bad one' and this time i had no choice to move away.

"Yes..." i said looking down at my hands. What exacty happened is that my boyfriend. Well.. ex-boyfriend, wasn't this kind of 'calm' person. He was and is someone completely different than me. You see though, no one believes this because of the word everyone uses to us. the 'bad' onces. Yes, it's not like everyone thinks i'm a calm person because of some stupid rumors. Everywhere i went, i HAD to hear stuff. "Have you heard, she helped someone rape a person just cause she didn't have any money" "Someone says she killed someone"

"Do you think you can go trhough the..." she tried to talk about the rumors, but didn't really know where to start.

"The lies" i said coldly. "I know what i want. Even if the truths are gonna follow me to fuck things up, i know!" i said. "I murdered my sister trying to save her, and that is not lies! But it won't change what i want!" My voice was more strict, but still cold.

"Y/N, you know there's moments where you can't control your anger! At least take some of your medicine"

"I've survived until now without all those medicines. What's bugging me so much is that fucking joke Thomas following me all around. All those drugs and pride just makes me disgusted. I want this!"

"You're a teenage criminal. What do you think people will do. No one even knows your last name, you think this will keep their mouth less?"-

"I did what i had to do to save my sister! They took away our childhood. My sister's childhood, and she was the only i had! I have no shit left and that joke ain't nothing to me!"

There isn't much to say. I had an asshole boyfriend that only forced people to do drugs and used people for pride and it seemed like i was the only one realizing it. I've got nothing to do with that loser. Of course he didn't get it, and wouldn't let me go. That was the last time i ever saw him. Bitch started attacking me, throwing me down due drugs. Now i'd understand if people said "that's cause drugs, he didn't mean it" but he knew himself all these and still kept on doing it. To a lot of people. My reputation may be shitty, but not as much as his opinions and his own pleasure. I kicked him on the balls and punched hiis face, and that is how i escaped.

I moved away to a school called Liberty High, away from nothing. Away from bullshit. I wasn't really someone talkative either, unlike every other teenagers my age. I stood inside the school building, on top of the stairs, leaning back to the wall, flickering with the lighter that's in my pocket, looking at all those preppy kids around the corridors. My eyes suddenly fall for a group of jocks, especally to one of them. He was tall, and had dark hair. I even got a glimt of his eyes, which was blue, but before anyone could notice i removed my eyes anywhere else. When the school bell started to ring, it scarred everyone's ears, yet i still took my time. It was death annoying, yet between so many people, i still took my time like nothing was happening. Suddenly, my eyes lock down into someone's eyes. It was the same guy just a minute. That's when it seemed like the world stopped. Like everything around didn't seem to happen. That all the shit i've been through never happened in the first place. And then he smiled back to me.

I waited till everyone left. All these preppy people got on my nerves for some reason, i needed to think a little. After a while of just standing there, i finally decided to move towards the classroom i have to go to, walking through the corridors, i hit someone. Before even apologizing, it was satan himself.

"Hello there, Knife" he smirked

Oh no...


Vas happenin. Life is ass. Okay see ya

Jeff Atkins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now