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A/N: Hey! If you have a SoKeefe one-shot that you want to see, just comment!


Keefe was relieved when Sophie had invited them over for a sleepover. Everyone was worried about her and how she was dealing with all the Neverseen stuff going on. Things seemed to be going wrong a lot, but they had never had to feel the full stress of the situation. Not like Sophie did. He was even more relieved that she had let him come too, he knew he wasn't on the best of terms with her at the moment and hoped this was a sign that she was forgiving him.

When he arrived at Havenfield, the Vackers were already there and hanging out. Dex and the Song twins had still yet to arrive. He knocked on the tall crystal doors and waited to be let in, thinking about how strange it felt to be doing something like this, something normal. The door swung open and Sophie's bright eyes meet his.

"Hey, Keefe!" She said generally happy to see him, "Come on in".metstudied her face and felt a sense of calm wash over him when he realized that she wasn't feigning a positive attitude.

He walked in, put his stuff near the couches, and sat down next to Fitz. Biana had already pulled Sophie into another conversation about which solution made her hair look shiny. Keefe could feel Foster's boredom from the conversation topic but was relieved to feel nothing negative that always seemed to follow her presence these days.

"So" Fitz started, "How's life"

Keefe laughed at the question and smirked at his best friend. " 'How's life?' Wow you're pulling out all the stops aren't you". 

Fitz huffed in frustration but smiled at Keefe. "Fine smarty-pants, what did you think about Lady Anwen's history final?"

Keefe groaned, "Don't remind me. If I have to think about multispecies studies one more day I'm going to explode".

"Ew that would be gross, then we would have to clean Keefe guts off of Sophie's carpet," Dex said as he entered the house, "I brought Mallowmelt!"

"MALLOWMELT" Biana yelled as she rushed over to grab the tin from Dex's hands. Dex blushed and walked over to sit with Keefe and Fitz. 

"Wow, excited much," Tam said as he let Linh and himself inside.

"Does no one knock these days?" asked Keefe as the twins set their stuff next to everyone else's.

"Aww you're just angry that you had to knock," said Fitz and he stood up to help Biana cut up the mallowmelt in the kitchen. Keefe grumbled and looked away.

"Since everyone's here why don't we all go eat dinner and have some mallowmelt before going to bed," Sophie said as she walked over to help Edaline set up the table. Everyone followed her lead and sat down. It felt nice to have the whole gang back together without having to worry about the Neverseen or what other forces were out there. For once, they could just be teenagers. 

They talked for hours as they helped themselves to multiple slices of mallowmelt and asked each other silly questions. Eventually, Grady and Edaline asked them to go to bed seeing how late it was and everyone shuttled over to their bags to set up for the night.

The boys set up in the living room while the girls set up in Sophie's room. Even with two floors between them, the girls could still hear the boy laughing and fighting. Biana and Linh had their sleeping bags around Sophie's room but currently were hanging out on her bed. 

"So" Biana started, "Truth or Dare".

"Oh no," Sophie groaned. "Not this game."

"Truth," Linh asked excitedly.

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