Chapter Sixteen

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• M I N S E O K •


Everyone was already in their tents sleeping but I couldn't sleep so I got out of the tent and sat outside the cave, everything was peaceful the only thing you could hear was a soft wind blowing and someone snoring, the sky was clear with no clouds in sight, I felt something on my lap looking down I saw min "can't sleep" I said and he nods

"do you know where Minseok's Is headed" I asked him

"I think the castle, but it might be hard to find it as it is buried in the snow" he said

"can you sense him though" I asked

"I don't know sometimes I do but then I lose him like today" min said

"hey what are you doing out here" Chanyeol asked

"I could sleep" I said

"who were you talking to" he asked sitting next to me

"min, he thinks he know where Minseok is headed" I told him, he hummed and looked at the sky, then I noticed the exoplanet

"you know when I was little I always saw exoplanet and wondered what it would be like to live there, and on my tenth birthday my mom took me to the place she was born which was Gorix, I was so happy that day, but it didn't last long as we were discovered by your uncle and since that day he has been obsessed with the celestial, and I can't help but I think that maybe if it wasn't for me wanting to exoplanet maybe all of the celestial kingdoms wouldn't be destroyed today" I explained while looking out into the forest

"you can blame yourself of what happened, my uncle has always been power thirsty that is why he didn't become king and I guess it was the wrong day for you go there but it happened no don't dwell in the past, cause I'm pretty sure that if you didn't visit exoplanet you would have met me when you were sixteen and we wouldn't be together and never would have Taehyung and Jimin" he explained and put his arm around me and kissed my temple

"you're right, I can't wait to see Taehyung and Jimin" I said

"yeah they missed you too, you know when they found out, they said that you were not dead and that it was impossible for you to die and started searching for you" he said and my eyes widen and I was about to as if he was joking, he then continues to ramble on and all I do is stare at him, he then stops as he realise he was rambling, I have missed moment like this where I can just sit back and watch him talk about things he likes and things that happened in general

"what do I have something of my face" he asked and smirked when he saw me blushing

"so how old are you now if you don't mind me asking" I say, and he looks away and sighs

"I'm 106, but you probably don't want to be with someone who is so old" he jokes, and I giggle

"you do realise that I'm about 65 now" I said

"don't worry you don't look a day over 10" he said, and I slap his arm as he laughs

"but I'm not kidding, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever see" he says which makes me blush even harder, he placed a hand on my cheek and makes me face him

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