Chapter Thirty-three

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• I ' M •  P R E G N A N T •

Today is Sehun's birthday, he said he doesn't want a party, so we are going to have a picnic on the beach instead, luhan places the tray of food on the bedside table, The bell went and he quietly ran to the door and opened it one of the sehun's bodyguards that were guarding luhan's apartment handed Luhan a cage with a white puppy inside it was sleep on a fluffy blankets

He thanked the guard and closed the door before walking, to his room where sehun was sleeping and placed the cage on the bed luhan went the kitchen to clean up since it was a mess he had his friend over yesterday and the number of dishes there were was ridiculous and the floor was so dirty it looked like a herd of pigs ran all over the room and since the kitchen is connected to the living room, so it made the living room dirty as well

"Luhan," Someone said behind him, making him jump and turned around with a knife he had just washed

"Woah," Jongin said with widening eyes as the knife pointed right on his throat

"Kai Don't do that I could have hurt you," Luhan said and put down the knife

"Sorry, Kyungsoo wanted to know if you told him yet," he said

"No, I haven't, but tell him I will before we go for the picnic," I said

"Ok, see you later my friend," he said

"Wait is that all," Luhan asked confused and jongin nodded

"He made you come here just to ask a question why did he ring me it text me," Luhan said

"I think he lost his phone that's why he forced me to come to ask you," jongin said and teleported back to his house

Luhan went back to cleaning the dishes when he heard sehun shout in excitement, this made luhan smile

Once the dishes were done he looked at the kitchen floor and then at the living room that was also a mess he sighed and decided to clean it up later when the come back from the picnic

Luhan went to the bathroom so he could take a shower when he walked in Sehun was in there brushing his teeth, the both smiled at each other when their eyes met through the mirror

"Morning"luhan said closing the door behind him

"Morning," why said with the toothbrush in his mouth, luhan started to take off his clothes and he could feel Sehun's stare. Sehun could tell that luhan had gained a little weight mainly around his belly and thighs he thought nothing of he just thought he gained weight as than was eating a lot way more than usual also he didn't want to point it out as Luhan is quite a sensitive about his body and weight but there was one thing sehun also noticed it was that luhan's scent was changing he asked jungkook why was it happening and he said that it might be because he could be under a lot of stress or that he was pregnant, sehun knew that luhan wasn't under stress so that left the possibility of him being pregnant, once than was naked he walked in the shower

"We're meeting the guys at the beach at one o'clock," then said turning on the water and adjusting it to the right temperature, before fully submerging himself in the water

" thank you for the present," sehun said and started to take off his clothes to take a shower with luhan

"Did you like it?" luhan asked

"I loved it," sehun said and entered the shower

"But you didn't have to buy it," sehun says while looking at then up and down making the smaller blush

"I think I had to, seeing you that upset when Chanyeol dragged you away from the window," luhan said and sehun chuckled before pushing Luhan against the wall

"What are you doing,"luhan asked but he already knew what Sehun's intentions were

"I'm enjoying my other present," he said and attacked my neck


After their shower, they got dressed and on the bed, they still sometimes before they have to leave for the beach, Luhan was laying down with Sehun's head resting on my neck "Sehun I have something to tell you" suddenly says

"What is it, "Sehun asked very slowly and Luhan could tell that he was about to fall asleep

"I..I umm..I" Luhan started but got nervous, he knows that sehun won't leave him the image of him doing that started playing through his mind

"What's wrong," Sehun asked concerned and sat up,

Luhan closed his eyes and took a big breath in and breathed out and said "I'm pregnant" silence greeted
him Sehun just laid there unsure how to react he was excited but also shocked he knew there was a possibility of him being pregnant but he was still shocked when sehun didn't say or do anything Luhan started crying and he doesn't even know why Sehun pulled luhan on to his lap and hugged him

"Don't cry? "sehun said, ripping Luhan's tears

"Are you going to leave me?" he said in between sobs

"No, I'll never leave you," Sehun said and kissed Luhan's forehead

"I love you," Luhan said with a little smile

"I love you too," sehun says, someone knocked on the door before walking in

"Let's go," Somi said

"Go where "Sehun asked

"To the beach, have you forgotten already," Luhan says and Sehun nodded before getting up and carrying Luhan

"Sehun put me down I can walk on my own" Luhan said giggling while Sehun was walking to the door

"I know but I don't want to," Sehun said and squeezed Luhan's ass and bend down to put his shoes on before picking up my shoes once he was done putting his on

"Love birds hurry up," Somi said, Sehun told one of the bodyguards that were there to look after his new dog, they walked out of the apartment and got into the car


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