Chapter Forty-one

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• J U S T • T H E • F O U R • O F • U S

It's currently 9 am and the others have gone and it's now Luhan and Baekhyun with the twins, Luhan was  sitting on the sofa feeding dahyun while Baekhyun was given youngjae a bath

"It's just the four of us for a little while," Luhan said to Dahyun and she raised her eyebrows as if she was telling Luhan to continue talking

"Well, There's this bad guy that hurts people and your daddy and his friends went to stop him," Luhan said

"Are you full?" Luhan asked her once  he saw that she wasn't drinking anymore, Putting the bottle on the coffee table luhan sat her up and patted her gently on the back, once she burped Luhan got up placing her on his hip and walked to the front door when he heard the doorbell ring once he opened the door he saw somi standing there

"Hello Somi, What are you doing here,"luhan asked letting her in, Dahyun giggle as she somi coming in

"I see someone is happy to see me," she said and gently pitched Dahyun's cheek

"Do you want anything to drink? "luhan asked her closing the door and walked to the living room

"No thank you I just had breakfast with momo and the boys," she said and sat on the couch

" So how have you been these days,"luhan asked her while laying Dahyun on the mat and putting on some cartoons for her to watch

"I got to meet wooshin for the past two weeks," she said happily

"Do you like him?" Luhan asked

"Before I thought he was a snobby little rich boy that doesn't care about anyone else except himself but, after being with him for two weeks I really like him, he's just like me but different," she said as Baekhyun walked in holding youngjae

"Hey Somi," He said and sat beside her

"Hello, baek Who Have you been," She asked him

"I'm fine just tired," he said

"I and the boys are going to the beach this afternoon do you want to come," she asked us, luhan was about to agree when baekhyun declined and Luhan got confused

"We have something else to do that it is very important, and can you text jungkook and taehyung to come here now, " Baekhyun said,somi nodded And they sat in silence watching tv.

When Taehyung and jungkook arrived Baekhyun put jackets on YoungJae and Dahyun "Where are we going"luhan asked

"To my home," Baekhyun says jungkook and Taehyung were confused as they thought that this was his home

"But we are already home mom," Taehyung said and Baekhyun chuckled

"Nowhere I was born and grew up," Baekhyun said and the two boys nodded

"But why are we going there," Luhan asked Baekhyun

"You'll see, " Baekhyun said and opened a portal, luhan picked up Dahyun and they walked through the portal

Upon arriving taehyung and jungkook were shocked where they were was beautiful but it was also destroyed the whole realm was made of crystals of different colours "why is everything broken"jungkook asked

"Doyeon attacked this place and took something very valuable which was the internal light crystal and this place wasn't fully destroyed I don't know why, "baekhyun said and started walking towards a big building, and the others followed

"what are we actually doing here, mom"taehyung asked baekhyun

"We are waking up our parents," baekhyun said and luhan's eyes widen

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