Chapter Twenty one

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• W E A P O N S •


It was Sunday morning and we are all sitting in the garden relaxing, all my wound from yesterday have healed

"What's the box for Baekhyun," Sehun asked

"Oh yeah I forgot about that," I said

"What's inside it" jongdae asked

"Celestial weapons," I said

" weapons," junmyeon asked confused

" Why are you carrying weapons and how can they fit inside that box," Sehun said

" they are disguised weapons," Minseok said

"I was wondering why you still haven't given it to us but you gave Tao his" kyungsoo said

" it because Tao's takes longer to activate," I said

"Activate what, "Jongdae asked

"His watch, once it's activated it will turn in to a weapon," I said,

"So we all have watches, "Kris asked

"No, you get different objects" I opened the box and took out of the small red box and gave it to Luhan

"How do you It is for Luhan, "Jongin asked

"Because each box has a name, "I said, Luhan, opened and took out a red crystal

" how do activate it I forgot it been so long since I used this" Luhan asked, I open the book and look on how to activate it

" it says here to activate it you have to levitate the crystal and then say a word in your head or out loud and what word you chose it will be words you say forever so you need to remember that word you said" I say, Luhan, places the crystal in the middle of his palm and started to levitate it

"Nothing is happening"Sehun days then the crystal starts shining before a staff with a red ball on the top appear

"Nothing is happening"Sehun days then the crystal starts shining before a staff with a red ball on the top appear

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"so it was the right word," luhan said

"the red crystal staff is only used by people who can master levitation, with this staff you can also control gravity," I say

"That is cool,"jongin says and hand everyone their box

"now mine," I said I took out a blue tube with light blue light moving in between it

"Inside it is the eternal light, "chanyeol asked

"Eternal light"junmyeon said and I nodded and shone a little onto the tube

"What's eternal...." minseok didn't get to finish his sentence when the object transformed into a gold staff with a big white crystal and inside it was the internal light

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