Chapter Forty-four

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Baekhyun and luhan arrived home with their parents, taehyung was with jungkook treating his wound and Baekhyun was telling the celestials what happened and they just had finished telling kyungsoo's story and his parents were angry " my poor baby"kyungsoo's mother said

"So where are they now," Baekhyun's dad asked

"They went out to confront doyeon," luhan said, the doorbell rang, taehyung went to open the door and came back in the living room with somi and momo

"Sorry didn't know you were busy we can come back later,"somi said when she saw all lots of people in the living room

"It's alright, these are my parents, over are luhan's parents and the others parents," Baekhyun said, somi and momo bowed to them

"This is momo Princess of Feychi and Somi princess of Yirous

"It's nice to meet you" Orion said

"So what brings you here"luhan asked

"Right we were given theses boxes by our parent but we can't open them"somi said and handed the box to Baekhyun  who inspected the box

"Can I have a look" Baekhyun's dad said Baekhyun handed him the box and it instantly opened

"how come you opened that quickly"momo asked shocked as her and some were truggling

"These boxes were made by light crystal," he said and they nodded momo handed him

"but why didn't it open when i held it"baekhyun asked, his dad looked at him and before touching the left side of baekhyun's chest

"cause that is missing, when you get it back you will be able to use all of your powers"he said and baekhyun realised how important their hearts were, some and momo took the boxes andtook out two necklaces, gasps filled the room as they saw the necklaces

"cause that is missing, when you get it back you will be able to use all of your powers"he said and baekhyun realised how important their hearts were, some and momo took the boxes andtook out two necklaces, gasps filled the room as they saw the ne...

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"woah they are pretty, but that red one seems very familiar"luhan said pointing at momo's neclace

"that is because it is from the red cave back home"luhan's dad said, taehyung helped somi put hers on and as soon as the necklace was put on it started to glow,the glow was So bright that was everyone had to cover their eyes after a few seconds the necklace stopped glowing

"why was it glowing" somi asked

"it accepted you as it's owner, that is a blue crystal from winter forest and i helps boost you're stamina, and protects you from harsh temepature, while momo's helps boost her powers" baekhyun explained, momo put her on and they same thing happened

"now we have to focus on getting your hearts back" baekhyun's dad said

"we know where they are, the other are finding them as we speak"luhan said

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