Chapter Forty- six

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It is 08:25 in the morning and Luhan is in the kitchen preparing three bottles of milk, everyone is still sleeping except Baekhyun he is in bed feeding youngjae and dahyun, the triplets are about to wake up, eunji And Sejun always wake up at the same and Junho doesn't he's a heavy sleeper so nothing will wake him up, once the food was done he walked back into the nursery, he placed a bottle in each one of their cribs when he placed the last bottle on Junho's crib Luhan saw that he was awake "when did you wake up" Luhan said picking him up

" Are you hungry?" Luhan asked picking the bottle of milk and walked back to his room where Sehun was still sleeping

"We have to be quiet because daddy is still sleeping, can you do that" luhan asks Junho and earns a gurgle from him

"Good," Luhan said and entered the room, Luhan saw that Sehun was awake playing on his phone, when Junho saw Sehun he started screeching and gurgling

"Morning" Sehun says

"Morning, since your awake you can feed him," Luhan said and handed Junho to Sehun

" Which one is the" Sehun asked, Luhan took the lid of the bottle and gave it to Sehun

" This is Junho, he mainly wears red and orange and has a mole under his left eye," Luhan said, then crying was heard from the baby monitor, Luhan walked out of the room and into the babies room

"It' ok I'm here," Luhan says and picks up Sejun and the bottle and feeds him, he then uses him magic to feed Eunji. Once they were both feed Luhan took them to his room

"Can you look after them I have to go make breakfast?" Luhan says and lays eunji and sejun on the bed next to Sehun says

"Oh they will also need their nappies changed" Luhan says and walk out, Sehun just stares at his children who were just gurgling he then goes on to changing their nappies which was a lot of work sejun and Junho wouldn't keep still but eunji just laid still

Everyone was now awake and heading downstairs "What is going on," Jongin asked when entered the living room, clothes and toys were floating while the floor was being hovered by magic, they walked into the kitchen but found no one except plates filled with food flying to the table dishes being was washed, the floor being cleaned and food also cooking

"Morning Guys," Luhan said coming in from the backyard

"It must be nice being you," minseok said and sat down at the table

"I envy you and Kyungsoo, while all of us have to do it ourselves you can just use your magic to do it," Tao said says, the rest also sit down and start eating the food on the table

"Where's Sehun" Chanyeol asked

"I'm here," Sehun says entering the kitchen

" Where are the kids," Luhan asked him Sehun sat down and also started eating

"They are in the living room with baek," Sehun said with a mouth full of bacon

"Aren't you eating?" Yixing asked Luhan

" no, I already ate," Luhan says and leaves the kitchen

" I'm so tired, I didn't get much sleep it was too cold," Junmyeon said

" I know, Baekhyun wasn't kidding when he said it gets really cold at night, I thought my toes were going to break off," Kyungsoo said

" There's a storm coming" Jongdae announced

" a full-on storm with, wind, rain, thunder and lightning," Tao said and Jongdae nodded while chewing on the piece of bread

" and it going to be a heavy on too" Jongdae added,

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