Chapter Fourty

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• Y O U ' R E • N O T • V E G E T E R I A N •


It has been two weeks since chanyeol came back and he has his eyesight back and also we found out why the separated chanyeol and it was that way they would be able to clone chanyeol as many times as they want and try into infiltrate exoplanets royal castles but jimin managed to stop them

Baekhyun already gave birth to the twins, we weren't expecting them to come out so early but Yixing told us that royal babies develop faster than regular babies,

tomorrow we are going to get our hearts back,  doyeon started attacking exoplanet a couple days ago Baekhyun and Luhan were not coming with us they will be staying at the castle where it is safer for them, me and Baekhyun were in my house with the twins while Jongdae and Chanyeol went to the castle to talk to their parents.

"Minnie Let's go out," Baekhyun said from the other side of the sofa putting dahyun to sleep

" ok," I said And got up from the sofa

"Where are we going, "I asked

"Anywhere, I'm tired of being coupes up in this house" he said and got up and put dahyun in the baby stroller, I put on my shoes and waited for Baekhyun to get ready, I put on a hat and a white face mask before putting on his shoes

"Ready," I asked and he nodded, I walked out with Baekhyun behind me pushing the stroller

Then my phone rang in my pocket I got it out and saw that Tao was calling

" Hello can you come here," he asked

"Where are you I'm at the mall with Kyungsoo And Luhan we're in topman," he said

"Ok we'll be there in fifteen minutes," I said

" Who was it," Baekhyun asked

"It was Tao And he wanted us to go to topman" I said and he nodded once we reached the mall we had to walk all the other die of the mall to get to topman

"Aren't you tired?" I asked him

"I am but I want to lose the baby weight as fast as I can," he said

"But you already lost half of it," I said

"I want to weigh the same as I did before I got pregnant," he said, we reached the top man and walked into the Changing room

" Tao " I shouted out

" in here," he said waving his hand from behind the curtain

"what's wrong" I said hugging her

" well, Kyungsoo And Luhan thought I was a good idea to take my jeans and shoes and run away with them," he said

" What did you do"Baekhyun said

"Nothing" He said

"Ok stay here I'll go get you some new shoes and jeans, Min look after them," Baekhyun said

" When did they run off" I asked him

"Half an hour ago "he said, then one of the twins started crying, looked down to see youngjae crying

"Why do you always wake up when Baekhyun is not around," I say picking up youngjae, youngjae doesn't like to held by someone else other than Baekhyun or Chanyeol when he wakes up

" Who's crying" Tao asked

" youngjae " I said

" Why does he always wakes up when Baekhyun and Chanyeol leave, it like He senses them leaving and then wakes up," he said

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