Chapter Seventeen

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S U M M E R • W O O D S •


"where are we" Sehun asked, looking around and saw that we were now in a desert

"I can't believe this is what happens to the summer kingdom, everything is dead" Minseok said looking around and I agree with him

"what do you mean everything is dead" Jongdae asked

"all the plants are dead, there are only some that managed to survive, this place was filled with lots of plant, animals running around, wand lots of pond and lakes would be found, but now they are dried out" I explained

"so, who lives here" Kris asked

"luhan" Minseok said

"so, Tao..." I stopped what I was going to say when I was that Kris and Tao are having their moment

"so, where do you think we will find luhan" Sehun asked, I took my map out and wrote luhan's name on it, then a map started to appear, and a red spot appeared at it was moving

"he's awake, going to the cliffs" Minseok said looking over my shoulder, a green spot appeared next him

"look yixing is also with him" I said,

"really" junmyeon said and I nodded

"but how do we know its actually them and not the humans" Kris asked

"because these constellations light up and if it were just the humans they wouldn't be lit up" Tao explained

"ah we are not alone , something is coming towards us and its coming fast" I said when a black spot appeared, the guys shifted into their wolfs, I climbed on Chanyeol, Minseok climb on Jongdae, and we headed of down the desert and towards the cliffs.

After we got away from the unknown thing that was chasing us, we found a cave where we decide to spend the night "but it's it even night yet why are staying here"Junmyeon asked

" cause the cliff are at least two day away from here" I told him

"And the fact that the summer gem was taken, dangerous beings have been release and you guys don't have enough power to defeat them, so we rest and set off early in the morning"Tao said and they all nodded

" by the way the sun here doesn't set" I told them

"But how do people sleep if the sun does not set"jongin asked

"Thick clouds go over the sun and make it darker, but I don't think that will happen now" I explained

" by the way how was your home"Minseok asked Tao

"Chaotic, it's covered by very dark energy which is making all the creatures feral, and everything is covered in starspider webs,I was almost eaten by the four legged serpents" he explained

"What kind of sepent has legs" chanyeol asked confused

" well they live in the water and when they are out of the water they grow legs and they are at least 11ft" Tao said and they nodded

"Since these are clerical kingdoms we are going through what are their real names" kris asked

"We can't tell the names because we don't actually know what they are called as our parents said that we will learn when we come of age" I said and I saw chanyeol's eyes widen


"When we come of age we learn everything about the celestial world it a trial to see if we are worthy of the knowledge and then entrusted with a celestial weapons, we were going through the trial 39 years ago we complete the first five task and were entrust the celestial weapon but since that day our trial has been on pause and now that we are awake we can continue" I explained

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