Chapter Twenty-four

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After the meetings Baekhyun went home and was now sitting in his apartment with jin,Jungkook and taehyung who was feeling sad , "what's wrong Taehyung" Baekhyun asked  when taehyung signed for the hundredth time since he arrived

"Nothing I'm just tiered" he said, Baekhyun didn't believe him

"No there is something wrong now tell me it's clearly bothering you" Baekhyun said

"Well It's Jungkook" taehyung said and looked over to the kitchen where jin and Jungkook were messing around (if you can't what baekhyun's apartment looks like then got to the end of chapter one)

" what about him" Baekhyun asked

" he has been distancing himself from me for a week and I think it because of a question he asked me last week which he stormed out of" Taehyung explained

"What did he ask" Baekhyun said looking over at Jungkook who looked back at him and smile

"He asked me why I got rid of his key and I told him it was rusty and broken why would he need it, he said some one gave it to him and I told him I'm sorry but he said he couldn't take it anymore" Taehyung said, Baekhyun clearly knew there was something going on so he decide to go into both of their memories which caused taehyung to start panicking when his eyes when white

"Mama" taehyung shouted said shaking Baekhyun who is just siting there not nothing a muscle or breathing, Jin and Jungkook came running to the living room

"What happened" jin asked

"I don't know we were talking then he became like this" taehyung said was now now panicking his breathing getting irregular

"We need to take him to the doctors and call dad, what if he stays like this forever and...and...."Taehyung was cut of when Jungkook placed both of his hands on his checks

"Cam down Tae, everything will be alright,just breath" Jungkook said, Taehyung started take in rough deep breath in and out

"that's it breath slowly " Jungkook said once taehyung calmed down he sat back down next to Baekhyun who just happened to snap out of his trance

"Mama are you ok" Taehyung ask

"Yeah sorry if I made you worry I was checking your memories so that is why I was like that" Baekhyun said and stroked Taehyung's head

" What did you find out" Taehyung asked

"You forgot what shouldn't have forgotten" Baekhyun said and taehyung was confused

"What did he forget" jin asked

" you have known Jungkook since you were in high school and ended hurting him by leaving him but you have him a key and told him that you'd be back soon but you never did come back" Baekhyun told taehyung who is looking at Jungkook

"How come I do t remember" taehyung asked and baekhyun shrugged

" wait how do you know all that" jin asked

" I also looked in Jungkook's memories, so to make you remember I'm going have to make you see Jungkook's memories so your can be remembered" Baekhyun said and placed his hands on either side of beakhyun's temple and after a couple of seconds Taehyung was knocked out

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