Chapter Forty-three

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• E X P E C T I N G  • Y O U  •

the group set out to go confront doyeon and eric have arrived at their lair they spend the day trying to find the lair to come up with a plan to take them down as quickly as possible, at the front of their lair were some of their soldiers and there were hundreds so they were lucky when kris's father insisted that they take some soldiers with them, kris held his hand up stopping his soldiers from attacking  "You're not allowed to go further, so go back where you came from otherwise we will have to kill you" the lead soldier of eric and doyeon said

" We are not going anywhere," kris said

" then prepare to die," the same man said, kris lowered his hand and the soldiers ran to the others and started fighting, Kyungsoo,minseok, Yixing and Tao quickly grabbed onto Jongin

"Ready," Jongin asked And they all nodded, Jongin teleported them straight to Eric's hideout, when they got there they saw that he hall was dark and quite like it had been abandoned for sometime

"Ok Let's split up, Kyungsoo Tao you come with me and Yixing and Minseok you go to left and see if you can find the study that has the fireplace, "Jongin said

"If you find anything to tell us,"minseok said and they nodded

"So Where Do you think Eric is hiding, "minseok asked Yixing as they were walking down the dark hallway

"I would say his room but he probably already knows that we are here so he probably is somewhere not even this own men know, "Yixing said, as they were walking slowly they started hearing voices

"I think you should get your bow and arrows out so we can be prepared when someone attacks us, "Yixing said minseok took his ring from his finger and threw it in the air and saying the magic words and the ring turns into a bow before Minseok catches it

"The voices seem to be coming from here let's go in" minseok said, pulling the string on his bow and an arrow appeared, Yixing opens the door

"dad," the three boys said surprised

"Karl, Marcus, tom" minseok asked unsurely

"you are here early," Karl said and the three boys hugged their father

"Where are the rest of you," Tom asked

"We all split up half of us are fight outside and some are here looking for Eric" minseok said

"This is the control room, we can see everything that is going on and we can lock and unlock doors from here and right now your friends are  heading straight to Eric's room" to said pointing to one of the screens and it showed Jongin, Kyungsoo and Tao

"you have to tell them to come back here because we have not given Eric this potion that will weaken his powers  so it will be easier to fight him," Marcus said and Yixing nodded

'Jongin' Yixing called him through the mind link

'Did you find something' Jongin asked

'No, but you have to come here, Marcus said that they have not given a potion that will weaken him so, for now, lets set our focus of finding our hearts' yixing said

'Ok send a visual picture of the room' Jongin said, Yixing looked around the room before taking a visual picture and sending it to Jongin and seconds later they appeared in the room

"so do you know what study you're looking four cause eric has a lot of them," Tom said and the boys looked at each other lost

"I guess we need to contact baekhyun," tao said, just then jimin came back sam

"just in time jimin,"jongin said

"common baekhyun just told me what room is we have to hurry, I was told that if you guys don't get your hearts back by midnight tonight you die," jimin said and rushed out the door, everyone was shocked and they all rushed out of the door except, Marcus, tom and sam

"what about the potion," Karl said to jimin

"that won't work," jimin said

"jimin how do you know that we are going to die by midnight," yixing asked confused, then they all came to a stop in front of a huge door

"we're too late aren't we, "Karl said to jimin who just nodded

"If I have time I will tell you later right now we are in front of erics main room"jimin whispered and tells  Jongin to get the other, Because they need to defeat Eric before night because Eric becomes stronger at night, a couple of seconds later Jongin was back with the rest of the boys, jongin teleported them inside and when they were inside the room was dark and dim-lit.

"Eric is not here yet so you should hide, "jimin said and they all nodded and started hiding and jimin and Marcus left the room

Tao and Minseok hid upstairs looking down at everyone else, Kyungsoo and Junmyeon were hiding under the small bridge, who has a small stream inside a room, tao thought, Jongin and Sehun were hiding right above the erics chair, Jongdae and Chanyeol...

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Tao and Minseok hid upstairs looking down at everyone else, Kyungsoo and Junmyeon were hiding under the small bridge, who has a small stream inside a room, tao thought, Jongin and Sehun were hiding right above the erics chair, Jongdae and Chanyeol were behind a huge pillar and Yixing and kris were also upstairs but in the overside.

Eric came inside the room minutes later and sat in his chair and soon fell asleep, there were no guard in the room which mean they didn't have to worry as much, Kyungsoo made vines come up from the floor and they were behind Eric's chair, minseok pulled the string of his bow making a small purple arrow, I gave the guys thumbs up to tell them the plan was about to start, Minseok Let's go of the string and the arrow flying straight to Eric the arrow minseok used was different it didn't freeze people it did something else when Someone makes contact with it, the arrow was going straight to his heart but Eric grabbed onto the arrow before it touched his chest, Eric slowly opens his eyes and they were blood-red a smirk appears on his face and he throws the arrow in the floor "I've been expecting you" he said

I hope you liked this chapter
Sadly this story is coming to an end, There are a couple of chapters left, so I hope you enjoy the rest of the story, don't forget to vote and comment

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