Chapter Thirty-five

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• M I N G H A O •


We are currently in the living in the castle with kris's parents and his dad is telling us about Eric "So Eric is not the bad person" the queen asked her husband

"No, he is not, Eric is the youngest, me and my brothers have taken care of him for 100 years since our parents were busy running the kingdom, Eric used to go out to the village and help out in the markets, he always used to get in trouble for sneaking out of the castle, he was a care-free person and listening to our parent and his brothers, but all of that changed when our uncle came to live with us Eric started missing important dinners, started sneaking out to the human world and even became rude to our parent and his brothers so our parents decided to Lock him up in his room and he was only allowed out until he started behaving but I knew it was my uncle's fault so I convinced my dad to keep my uncle away from Eric for a week and after a week Eric completely changed and my mother noticed it too, Eric's eyes changed and his voice also changed when my uncle was there" kris's dad said

"How old was he when that happened," kris asked

"Sixteen when he got possessed by that spirit, he is now.....119," the king said

"He's so young, I thought he was 297," the queen said

"Isn't That a bit old" Tao ask

"No my dad is about 383 years old," kris says

" Where are your other brothers," I asked

" I know that mubo went with Eric because mubo is the only person Eric really trusts but I don't know where minghao went," the king said

"Your majesties You Are  needed in the throne room your brother minghao is here with the royal guards and Baekhyun, Luhan, minseok, Tao, Kyungsoo And Junmyeon you are needed in the garden," one of the maids said, we all stood up and walked to the throne room

"I'll see you later," I said to Baekhyun and kissed his forehead

" Bye," Baekhyun said and walks away with the other to the garden

Once we got to the throne room, everyone turned and looked at us " brother" the king said

" Ziyang, It been a while since we last saw each other", the king walked up to minghao and gave him a big hug

"I missed you," the king said, the king and minghao started talking about Eric what they were going to do

" Have you seen mubo?" the king asked

"Yeah he's with Eric as we speak, I saw him four months ago when then the moon goddess put him in a deep sleep, he said he found a way to get Eric back but he said that he needs to the find the twelve people with accident powers but doyeon is planning something so I have been following him to see what he is up to," minghao said

" Baekhyun has a book about the twelve accident powers," Jongdae says

" Really, "minghao said

"Yeah, We saw him reading it this morning," Jongdae said

"Do you know where is it?" the king asked

"Yeah it at home, along with the other books," I said

" can you bring it to me" minghao asked

"I don't know where he actually puts the books, I'll ask him to bring it tomorrow," I said and they nodded

After having a talk with minghao I went to find Baekhyun 'Baekhyun Where are you' I asked through the mid link

'I'm in the library' he said, ran to the library using my vampire speed, I opened the door and walked in, I saw Baekhyun sitting opposite a man and a woman talking about something, I closed the door and walked towards them and they all looked at me

" Yollie," Baekhyun said to go up, and kissed me and I saw his eyes were red and puffy indicating he has been crying

" You alright," I asked, and he nodded

"Yollie this is my uncle and his girlfriend," he said and pointed to the man, and it was the head of the royal guard

" your majesty" they both said and stood up and bowed

"Hello, Nice to meet you I'm Park Chanyeol," I said and their hands

"It's a pleasure to meet you," they said, I was about to say something when Baekhyun gasped and held on to his belly

"What's wrong," I asked worried

"They are kicking," he said excited, I placed my hand on his stomach and felt soft kicks against my palm

"How far along are you," his uncle asks

"Four months and a week," Baekhyun said

"Are you having a baby shower?" the woman asked

"Yeah I and Luhan are joining our once we find out the genders of his baby," Baekhyun said

" Sorry to interrupt but Mr Byun you are needed in the throne room," the maid said

"Well I see you tomorrow," Baekhyun said and hugged his uncle and his girlfriend

" We have to get going as well," I said

"Where are we going," Baekhyun asked taking the black plastic bottle containing my blood

"You have an appointment today, did you forget," I said and watched him drink the blood

"Yes I did," he said and put the lid on the bottle before handing it to me

"If we don't go now we will be late," I said And he grabbed my arm and pulled out of the library


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