Chapter Thirty-eight

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• R E S C U I N G • C H A N Y E O L •

After getting rid of the spider somi and Taehyung met the others at the door of the dungeon, the tolled under the closed door, Irene made them invisible before somi. Turned them back to their normal size

" let's split up," Jongin said and they nodded

After searching the whole dungeon they didn't find Chanyeol anywhere "did anyone find him" Taehyung asked and they all shook their heads

"Where can he be" Somi said

"Maybe they took him and..." Irene said but got interrupted by yoongi

"jimin said that they have moved Chanyeol to somewhere else and they said that we have to get to him before they kill him" yoongi said

"Jongin try and contact him" Irene said

'Chanyeol Are you there' Jongin said in the mid link

'Jongin' he said but his voice was weak

'Where are you' Jongin asked

'I'm in a room' he said

"Is there anyone with you' Jongin asked, but he didn't answer

"Grabbed onto each other" Jongin said and they held on to each other arms,he closed his eyes and teleported is to where Chanyeol was

" Where are we" taehyung whispered, the room was old and empty, the paint on the wall was pealing and the floor had bugs crawling around

"There's Chanyeol," Jongin said, Chanyeol was passed out in the Conner of the room, Somi turned them back to normal size they were shocked to see what they have done to chanyeol he was bleeding form head to toe and had burn marks on his hole body

" Chanyeol wake up," Somi said while shacking him, Chanyeol opened his eyes and knocked Somi out

"Chanyeol calm down," Jongin said standing in front of him and Irene made Chanyeol able to see them

"Jongin," Chanyeol said quietly looking around

" Come to Chanyeol Let's go," Jongin said

"Where are you it's dark I can't see you"Chanyeol said, at first I was confused cause it was that dark and I could still him and the other but then I realised that he was blind

"Dad it's not dark, you're blind" Taehyung said and helped him up then door opened and jimin walked in

" dad your werewolf is safe" jimin said

" What happened" taehyung asked

"They separated Chanyeol's vampire and werewolf, the one that is standing right next to you is the vampire they think that your werewolf is dead but he's with Marcus right now in a forest," jimin said, Jongin picked up Somi and puts her on Taehyung's back

"Before you go Jongin can you scratch me" jimin asked walking towards Jongin

"Are you crazy" yoongi said standing in front of jimin

" no, but they asked me to bring Chanyeol and if I say that he gone they are going to think that I let him escape" jimin said and pecked yoongi on the lips

"I'll be fine, it will heal" jimin said and yoongi nodded before he walked out of the way of Jongin

"Are you ready" Jongin said

"Yes make it believable make sure you scratch deep too," jimin said leading his neck to the side so Jongin has better access, Jongin got his claws out and raised his hands he closed his hand down scratching jimin's neck a loud thump was heard, Jongin opened his eyes and saw jimin on the knocked out

"Is he dead" Irene asked

"No I can still heard his heart beat"yoongi said

"Let's go guys" Jongin said, everyone held Jongin tightly before Jongin teleported them back to Chanyeol's house,Once they arrived at Chanyeol's house Taehyung took his dad to his bed and layer him down before calling jungkook to come to the house and jongin called kris and told him not to tell Baekhyun yet as chanyeol is severely injured and wait till chanyeol get better.

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