Chapter Thirty-four

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• G O I N G • B A C K • I N • T I M E •

Jongdae pov

We were all at the beach waiting for Somi to come with sehun and Luhan " is everything ready" Minseok asked

"Yeah," we said at the same time, I place the birthday cake instead middle of the picnic table that was on the beach  

" Will we be able to finish all of this food" I asked, there were two big bowls of fruits one of them had series in there and the other had other types of fruit and they were all cut up, there were cupcakes, cookies, popcorn and more, pastries, sweets, two bottles of juice two bottles of champagne, a box of beer cans, we also had lots of meat a whole box of meat, and a grill that kyungsoo brought

"Yeah we will and if we don't we have two pregnant boys to finish it," kris said and Chanyeol chuckled

" How far along is Luhan-Hyung" Tao asked

" two months, nearly three" Baekhyun said

" he waited two months before telling Sehun he was pregnant" Tao exclaimed

"He didn't know he was pregnant  and only found out last month," minseok said and Tao nodded

"didn't he have morning sickness cause then he would have know" I asked

"No, he didn't, his appetite got bigger though "Minseok said

" they better hurry up I'm hungry," Baekhyun said

"Baekhyun I gave you a sandwich five minutes ago," Chanyeol said

" Yeah, But you're not the one who has two babies growing inside of you" Baekhyun snapped,

" they are here," Tao said, and pointed to the end of the beach, Somi was on his back covering his eyes, Luhan walked ahead of them

"Light up the candles," I said and Chanyeol go up from his seat to light up the candles which his finger

" try not to burn the cake," Baekhyun said

" Are we there yet" heard Sehun asked

" yes, we are," she said and jumped off his back making him look at us

" happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Sehun, happy birthday to you" We sang and he looked shocked

" you guys didn't have to do this," he said

" Well we did, now blow out the candles," I said, he sat down and blew out the candles

"Ok, now let's eat I'm starving, "Baekhyun said

Time skip

Everyone is playing games except me, Luhan and Baekhyun we were cleaning up" What are the genders of the babies" I asked

"It's a boy and a girl," he said

"Have you thought about their names?" Luhan asked and put all of the plastic cups and beer cans in a black plastic bag

" well we're thinking for the boy sanha or youngjae but we haven't thought any for the girl," Baekhyun said

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