Chapter Twenty-nine

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Luhan pov

Jongdae and Jongin and I have separated to find Kyungsoo, I was in the royal garden, when I smelled blood I quickly followed the sent to a tree, when I got there I saw Sandra tied up to a tree but kyungsoo was nowhere to be seen

"help me your friend is crazy," Sandra said but I ignored her

"KYUNGSOO" I shouted but got no response I walked up to Sandra before I could get anywhere near her, vines came up from the ground and wrapped around my legs and hands

" Kyungsoo," I said when I saw him coming down from the tree and started walking around me sniffing like a dog he looked at me like he didn't recognize me

"Kyungsoo It's me Luhan your best friend," I said

"L-Luhan," He said And his eyes slowly went back to brown and made the vines disappeared

"Luhan" I heard Jongdae shout, Kyungsoo's eyes went back to red he raised his left hand  and vines wrapped around Jongin and Jongdae

" Kyungsoo stop they are your friends" I said and place my hand in his shoulder but he ignored me and walked up to Jongin releasing him from the vines and bit him his neck, I quickly went it help Jongdae once Jongdae was free from the vines I  looked What was going on with Jongin and Kyungsoo, jongin wrapped his arms around kyungsoo's waist while kyungsoo was still drinking his blood

"I guess he was angry and hungry," Jongdae said and when to help Sandra, Jongin was whispering something into Kyungsoo's ear making him stop and lift his head up from Jongin's neck

"jongin," Kyungsoo said quietly his eyes turned brown again,

"I'm sorry I-i-i didn't know what I was doing I couldn't control myself and Is...." Kyungsoo didn't finish his sentence because Jongin kissed his bloody lips

"It's not your fault it's my fault for not knowing when you would need my blood, " Jongin said and kissed kyungsoo's forehead before whipping some of the blood that remained on his lips

"Come Let's go back," Jongdae said dragging Sandra along

"I hope they found Baekhyun, "I said And we walked back to the castle

"where did baekhyun go"kyungsoo asked

"we don't know, the others are looking for him right now, "I told him

Baekhyun pov

I woke up on the floor in the woods, the last thing I remember was that I was crying on top of a tree and when I decide to go back I got attacked by rouge wolfs but I managed to escape by rolling down a cliff. I was walking through the woods when I heard rustling "Who's there"I said, then something slowly came flying at me

"Tiny, Custard, Pepper, Min, Pinky, and Blue What are you doing here," I said  And Tiny sat on my shoulder

'we came to look for you' tiny said

'everyone is worried' pepper said

"thank you, Do you know the way back to the castle," I asked and tiny got off my shoulder and the others showed me the way, I know chanyeol under the influence of a spell but what he said to me really hurt and the look he was giving me was that he actually hated me.

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