Chapter Twenty-seven

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• G R I M M • R E A P E R •


I and Baekhyun are in a room, the room was small with white walls and beige carpet, there were no windows in the Corner of the wall there were cameras and a red light flashed meaning that it was on, inside the room was nothing but an old dirty mattress and a blanket "this is too dirty couldn't they have put us in a somewhat clean room"baekhyun complained

"I agree," I said

"what do you think they want with us, "baekhyun asked

"I don't know, but I think doyeon had discovered something important that probably requires the bothe of us," I told him

"you're not wrong there" we suddenly here yoongi's voice looking around to where it was coming from and then I remembered that we had earpieces in

"jimin told us that doyeon is planning to use the key of death to launch an attack on exoplanet and use baekhyun's tracking and memory manipulation," luhan says

" But how does he know about the key of death," I asked them

"one of t his spies said that they saw it on you but I don't know how they found out about baekhyun's power," luhan said

the door opened and jimin and another man came in "baekhyun, doyeon wants to see you" jimin said, baekhyun looks at me before getting up and following jimin out of the room, the man that came with jimin came into the room and closed the door behind him, I was now starting to get a bit suspicious what is he planning to do

"You look scared don't worry I'll take good care of you," he said while smirking I slowly got up when I sensed a dark aura coming from him

"I'm not scared off you," I say and he chuckles, he comes forward till he is standing right in front of me

"You may not be scared right now but you will be" he said black smoke comes off his back and go all over the room, his eyes change into an amber color which made me realize what he was doing I quickly closed my eyes, this man was a demon that feeds of the fears of its prey once you look into their eyes there is no escaping them, they will toy with you till you become lifeless and then eat your soul and then posses your body, but since I'm a grim reaper whatever he does has no effect on me so I'm just playing scared

"come on kyungsoo, open your eyes" he whispered in my ears sending a shiver down my spine, I looked down and opened my eyes, he lifted my face making me look in his eyes and I could tell that he was to put me under a spell so I went along with it

"You have something I want, do you know what that is," he asked and shook my head slowly, he smirked, before placing his face on the crook of my neck and licked it, I wanted to push him away but I couldn't

"You smell nice, and I bet you taste wonderful doyeon was always talking about you and how he plans to get rid of prince jongin by sending lost demons to eat his soul, I asked him why couldn't he get rid of him now but he said that it needs to be when the moon reaches its peak energy or something like that" the man said,kyungsoo tried not to react to what he said, he needs to get out of here quickly because tomorrow is when the moon reaches its peak, the man pulled away and looked into kyungsoo's eyes

"now I want you to give me the key of death," he said, kyungsoo reached into his pocket and took out the key and stared at it, before giving it to the man, as soon as the key was out of kyungsoo's possession doyeon appeared

"good job," doyeon said and placed his hand out so he could get the key, the man was about to hand over the key but purple smoke was emitted from the key before turning into a scythe

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