Chapter Thirty-nine

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Luhan,Baekhyun And I were baby shopping to cheer up Baekhyun a little bit and so far it was working, we had to go  to see chanyeols mother in thirty minutes " What about this one" Luhan said pointing to the black baby stroller

"I like it but I want it on a different colour" Baekhyun said, we kept looking for a different stroller,

"What about this one" I said pointing to a black a red stroller

"What about this one" I said pointing to a black a red stroller

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"It's perfect I'll take it" Baekhyun said

" but you don't know how much it cost" Luhan said

" excuse me" Baekhyun said to one of the workers

" how may I help you

" how much does this stroller cost" Luhan asked

"$354.17" He said

" well can I have it delivered" Baekhyun asked

" Yeah sure, if you can come with me" the man said

" can you pay for me"Baekhyun asked the bodyguard

" yes sire" he said and bowed before walking away with then man

" Where are we going next" I asked

" can we go eat I'm starving" Luhan said

" me too" Baekhyun said, once the bodyguard finished paying for Baekhyun's things we When to eat in some restaurant. After we finished eating we went to gorix when we arrived we were guided to one of the rooms where Sandra and her friends were there and we didn't know the reason why.

" Tao do you know where Chanyeol is" chanyeol's mother asked

"He probably was tired of Baekhyun and left" Chanyeol's ex-girlfriend said

" for your information he's at home because he has a fever" I said

" that enough now let's start shall we" the king said, I looked at Baekhyun and he had tears rolling down his cheeks,I smiled weakly and wiped his tears away

" don't worry Baekhyun he'll be back soon" I said and

" can we go somewhere after this  " Baekhyun asked quietly

"I'll ask kris"I said and got my phone out, o rang he and waited for him to pick up

"Hello" He said

" hey kris, Baekhyun wants to go " I said

"He can't, Because Chanyeol's is back But don't tell him but take to the garden " he whispered mthe last part

"Ok" I said and hung up

" he says we can but he has something to give us so we need to go to the garden" I said and he nodded and when back to sleep

Authors pov

Jongin and the others came back with Chanyeol, it was now morning and they are on their way to the castle, yesterday jungkook came to look at chanyeol and said that he was fine just need time to heal then Yixing came and said that he could heal him but his eyesight would take longer to come back"what happened to you" Jongin asked

"That's the thing I don't remember, the only things I can remember is that on that day Is that at nigh after coming from sehun a birthday , Baekhyun asked me to get a cup of water and then I was knocked out "Chanyeol said and Jongin nodded

Once they reached chanyeols house, they went straight to the garden as kris instructed "do you know what they did to your other side" Jongin asked

" jimin told me that they killed him and were going to burn it but jimin got ahold of him before they did"Chanyeol said

" that's good" Jongin said, while guiding chanyeol around

"Why are they so quiet" jongin asked once they saw the group sitting down

"Baekhyun must be sleeping, He's always feels tiered "Chanyeol said, as they got closer everyone looked to see Jongin and Chanyeol walking towards them, Kyungsoo got up and ran to Jongin and gave him a hug

"I missed you" Kyungsoo said

"I missed you too" Jongin said and kissed Kyungsoo, the rest of the got up and went over to Chanyeol

"Are you ok" Tao asked

"Yeah I'm fine,but I lost my eyesight " Chanyeol said And everyone felt bad

"Somethings different" Sehun said smelling Chanyeol

"Where's your werewolf" Sehun said

"They separated us, right now he's with jimin" Chanyeol said

"How did you get taken"Jongdae asked

" well it happened on the night me and Baekhyun found out he was having twins, Baekhyun told me to go get him a glass of water and Got knocked out " Chanyeol said, Yixing was about to ask a question to they heard a voice behind them

"What's going on" Baekhyun said everyone looked at Baekhyun to see him sitting up and rubbing eyes, no said anything instead they moved out of the way so Baekhyun could see Chanyeol

"Chanyeol"Baekhyun said with big watery eyes,

" Is that you or am I dreaming" he said quietly, he got up and ran to Chanyeol and gave him a hug

" it's really me" He said, and hugged him back and tears rolled down his face

" I missed you" Baekhyun said, Baekhyun pulled away and looked at Chanyeol's straight in the eyes but throwns

" what's wrong with your eyes" Baekhyun asked worriedly

" I can't see" chanyeol said simply and Baekhyun burst out crying more

" it's ok Baekhyun his eyes will heal they just need time" Yixing reassures Baekhyun

"I'm ok Baekhyun no need to worry"Chanyeol said and pecked his lips Baekhyun Backs away and looked at Chanyeol funny

"There's something different" Baekhyun said

"They separated me and the werewolf"Chanyeol said

"So your just a vampire now"Baekhyun said and Chanyeol nodded

"How can they do that with out killing you"Baekhyun asked And hugged Chanyeol

"They used a really powerful spell, now let's get you to my room no you look like your about to pass out"Chanyeol said and Baekhyun chuckled,

"What will we do if the imposter Chanyeol comes back" Kyungsoo asked

"I don't think he will"Chanyeol said And the group started walking out of castle

"How do you know"Luhan asks

"Because he got what he needed" Chanyeol said

"What was it"kris asked

"I don't know, but I remember him telling me but I know it's something bad"Chanyeol said

"Well we need to find out what he took" kris said

"What do we do that it's not like we can go back in time"Luhan said and everyone looked at tao

"Why are all looking at me like that"he asked

"I think it time to take a little trip back in time"kris said to tao who just stared at him And nodded and I sighed

"Not today though" Tao said

"Then tomorrow"kris said and kissed the top of Tao's head and they all agreed


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