Chapter Thirty-seven

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• R E S C U I N G • C H A N Y E O L •
• 1 /2 •

Somi, Irene, Jongin, Taehyung and yoongi are now in Baekhyun's house, Somi had already shrunk them and now the are just waist for spy to come
" if Chanyeol was captured a week ago then wouldn't the imposter recognise you and tell Eric" Sehun asked jimin

" no he thinks I'm spying on you to get information, but I couldn't take that change so I had Jungkook made a potion that erased his memory of me being there" jimin said

" jimin He's here he is closing the gate"Jongin said through the earpiece

"he's here" jimin said, Sehun And Luhan pretendes to be asleep on the couch Baekhyun got up And pretended to be cleaning the kitchen while jimin goes out the back door

" Baekhyun"he calls out once he walks in the house

" in the kitchen" Baekhyun said and got a broomstick and started sweeping the floor

" What are you doing up you should be in bed" the spy said when he walked in the kitchen

" I know but the kitchen had to be cleaned" Baekhyun and and felt his babies kicking really hard, while Baekhyun and the spy were finishing cleaning the kitchen, upstairs Jongin and the guys were waiting in Baekhyun's room

"What do we do when they both go to bed we climb on his jacket"Jongin says

" What about if he doesn't wear a jacket" Irene asks

" then grabbed on to his shoes or jeans" Jongin said, Taehyung was taking out shoes and gloves for everyone

"What are these" Somi asked

"These are gloves and shoes that allows you to climb anything and the shoes also let you jump really high" taehyung says, everyone grabbed the shoes and put them on, Baekhyun and the spy walked in the bedroom

"You know you should not do to much you'll get tired"the spy said, placing his jacket on the edge of the bed

"I know, I'll do less next time"Baekhyun said and smiled before getting into bed, the spy walked into the bathroom and took a shower, Jongin and the others jumped on to the bed

"Woah these shoes are amazing can I keep it" yoongi says

"once I finish them yes you can" Taehyung says, they walk over to the jacket

"Let's get on this one"Jongin said, pointing to the small pocket on the chest of the jacket

"Is that a good idea" Somi asked

"Yeah people hardly use that pocket" Jongin said and got in it and the others followed him

"How long do we wait here" Irene asked

"That I don't know"Jongin said, Chanyeol came back and got in bed next to Baekhyun

"Good night" Chanyeol said and Baekhyun hummed and tried not to wince in pain when he felt one of he babies kick really hard


Its been twenty minutes and the spy got up thinking Baekhyun's asleep, he picked up his jacket and walked downstairs slowly, Luhan and Sehun heard him and pretended to be asleep again, the spy looked in the living room to see if Sehun and Luhan were asleep, once he saw they were asleep he walked out of the front door and put his jacket on before closing it behind him

" guys wake up" Jongin said and shook Somi and Taehyung that we're asleep

" did we fall asleep" Taehyung asked yawning

"Yes" Jongin said, Chanyeol opened a portal and walked through it

"Yoongi text jimin we have arrived Jongin said yoongi got out his phone And texted jimin,

"Are we just going to stay in here" Irene asked

" probably not"Somi said

" you're here" some said to the spy

"How far along is Baekhyun" the other one asked

" four moths and two weeks" the spy said

" Is he drinking your blood" the first guys said

"Yeah he is And I put some of it in every single drink in the house"the spy said and sat down

" soon enough the babies will get used to his blood and...." Somi and Jongin looked at each other with wide eyes

"Tell Sehun"Jongin told Somi

'Sehun' Somi said through the mid link

'What's wrong' Sehun asked

'Don't Let Baekhyun drink anything from his house'Somi warned him


'The spy put his blood in every single drink and something might happen to the babies Is he keeps drinking the spy's blood' Somi explained

'Ok, I'll take him to my house' Sehun said and broke off the mid link

"Change back to your normal form and go see sam and jimin" one of them said, Jongin teleported them out of The pocket  onto the floor

" the dungeon is in the below us" yoongi said looking at the map on his phone

" Let's go" taehyung said they walked to the door and rolled under it

"Where do we go now yoongi" Jongin asked

" we should walk down this corridor then down the stairs" yoongi said, as they we discussing what they were going to do they didn't notice a spider crawling behind them

" What are we going to do when we reach the stairs, we can't exactly walk down them" Somi said, taehyung turned around and he stared at the spider in shock

"Irene will turn us invisible first then Somi will bring us back to our normal size, then when we reach down stairs Somi will shrink us again" Jongin said

"Guys we have to run" taehyung said

"Why"Irene said they looked Where he was looking , Somi and Irene gasped

"Run" Jongin shouted when the spider started to move, they ran down the corridor with the spider right on their tails

"Ok lets spilt up, me, jongin and Irene will go to the dungeon and Taehyung and somi will distract the spider "yoongi said as he was running Yoongi jongin and Irene ran the other direction and stooped when the spider stopped following then and continued to follow Taehyung and somi

"We have to go after them"jongin said and they walked after them


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