Chapter Thirty-six

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• N O T • C H A N Y E O L •

Baekhyun and Chanyeol now in the doctor's office waiting for the doctor to come back with the results, today they are finding if the babies are hybrids or not " what do you think they are going to be" Baekhyun asked looking at Chanyeol Who was on his phone

" well from the amount of blood you are drinking I'd say they are both vampires," Chanyeol said, Baekhyun was worried for Chanyeol since hehe been drinking Chanyeol's blood to feed the babies, Chanyeol skin is pale and he has dark bags under his eyes, he felt even worse because whenever he drinks his blood he throws up after Baekhyun thinks it's just because he has never drunk blood before that is why he is throwing up

" Chanyeol are you sure your alright" Baekhyun asked, Chanyeol looked at him and smiled

" I'm fine," he says and gets up and kissed and hugged Baekhyun.

Baekhyun feels like Chanyeol has been acting very strange lately and something is not right, like he has lost a lot of weight, and stopped going to the gym which makes Baekhyun wonder why since Chanyeol is almost always at the gym

"I've got the results," the doctor said once he came in the room

"The boy is a hybrid and the girl is a vampire," the doctor said

" but that means I'm going to have to drink a lot more blood and I don't think I can Chanyeol looks almost dead," Baekhyun said

" you don't have to worry About Chanyeol the pale skin means that he will need to feed off you soon and the dark bags under his eyes probably mean he didn't sleep very well plus his body will get used to the blood being drained out," the doctor said

"that makes me feel a little better," Baekhyun said

" But you'll start drinking less blood when the babies are about five months but you could also be drinking more blood," the doctor said

" ok, thank you, doctor," Chanyeol said and helped Baekhyun get off the bed

" Baekhyun take this," the doctor said and gave Baekhyun a 2 box of medicine and a paper note

" what's this for," Baekhyun asked

" It's for when you wake up during the night in pain and the other one is to take after you finish eating," the doctor said

" thank you," Baekhyun said

" Bye if there any problem ring me," the doctor said and Chanyeol and Baekhyun both nodded

" Bye" Because said And walked out of the room holding Chanyeol's hand, when they got outside there were a few people taking pictures of them, but mainly of Baekhyun

Once they got to the car Chanyeol helped Baekhyun inside " are you not coming" Baekhyun asked

" no I got to do something first," Chanyeol said

" ok but be careful," Baekhyun said

" I will," Chanyeol said and kissed Baekhyun forehead

" take Baekhyun to Yixing's house," Chanyeol said to the driver

" yes your majesty," the driver said, Chanyeol closed the car door and watch the car drive away

" you wanted to see me," a woman said behind him

" yes, but let's talk somewhere else," Chanyeol said

Yixing pov

Everyone was here watching TV except Chanyeol and Baekhyun, I heard the bell ring " I'll get it" minseok said and walked to the front door

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