Chapter Thirty-one

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• T W I N S •

Jongin pov

It is now lunchtime and the others went to get food and me, sehun,minseok,baekhyun and tao waited fort them to get back since they were getting food for us too, i don't think that there will be  alot of variety of food in a waterpark "do you know the gender of the baby"Tao asked

"No,but I have a check up later today maybe ill find out then" Baekhyun said

"wait but don't you want to do a gender reveal"minseok asked

"no, i think they are pointless," baekhyun said and i tottaly agree with him

"what about a baby shower, don't you want them"tao asked

"i don't know, i talk about this to chanyeol and he said he would let me decide if i want one but his mother said that i'm having one" baekhyun explained, sehun and i chuckled if chanyeol's mother wants something it's very hard to make her to change her mind

"well i guess you're having one then "sehun said baekhyun sighed while nodding

" do want a girl or a boy"Junmyeon asked

"we want a girl, since we already have two boys" Baekhyun said

"I thought Chanyeol would want a boy" I asked

"So did I"Baekhyun said, Sehun's phone rang looked he picked up without checking who it is

"Hello"He said and put in on loud speaker

"Is that Luhan"minseok asked and he nodded

"Sehun, I think someone is in the house"Luhan said panicking

"Were are you"Sehun asked

"I'm in the bedroom, He's walking upstairs"he said

"Luhan I know you're here"we heard the person say and we looked at each other

"Luhan climb out of the window"Baekhyun said

"I can't I'm only in my boxers and my while body hurts if I make fast movements"he said

"Look What we have here" the man said and Luhan screamed

"Let me Go" Luhan shouted

"Did your boyfriend beat you up those bruises look bad, but it makes you look hot"the man said I looked at Sehun and he was ready to kill the man

"Jongin teleport me there"I said he nodded and grabbed my arm, in a second were in my living room of bts's house, me and sehun ran upstairs to where luhan was

"He took the outside handle"i said, I could hear Luhan crying Sehun pushed Me out of the way and kicked the door Down revealing Luhan being pinned against the wall and the guy kissing his neck

"Get off him"Sehun shouted and pulled the guy away from Luhan and punched him in the face, I went to get Luhan out of the room

"Are you ok"I asked but continued on crying, I picked him up bridal style and walked down the stairs, I put him on the couch and sat next to him

"did He do this to you"I asked  pointing to the bruises on his body and he shook his head

"Was it Sehun" I said And he nodded, why would Sehun hurt Luhan I thought he loved him

"Do you want me to hit him" I asked and she shook his head

"No it's ok, we were both really angry yesterday and I think you know what happened"he said and I nodded

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