Chapter Forty-five

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I T S ' S  A L L  O V E R  N O W

after they  had defeated the demon that was pretending to be Eric and  they arrived back in exoplanet and were going to take care of doyeon but the royal family said they are going to take care of him so they should go home and rest, and are now on their way to baekhyun's house

"Baekhyun you shouldn't have come you could have gotten killed," Chanyeol said

"I know but if I didn't Kyungsoo would be dead plus you guys were all gone for three months and I was scared something happened to you and what was happening in exoplanet," Baekhyun said

"What do you mean home for three months we were gone for three days," Chanyeol said

"Here the days go by really slowly, so a day here is a month over there" jimin

"What happened in an exoplanet," Yixing asked

"Well last month the plants started dying and the animals all have disappeared, the sky is not blue anymore but grey and there is hardly any sunshine and at night it gets really cold like it was winter and the night Luhan had his babies it was really cold and he hospital was also cold due to the boiler being broken, Luhan was in such a bad state, that the doctors were worried that one of the babies might not survive the night, I had to back home once Luhan gave birth because I was scared that youngjae And dahyun would get sick " Baekhyun said and we all looked at each other

"Is Luhan ok" sehun asked woried

"Yes, He's alright," he said sehun felt sad that he wasn't there to support him, he wanted to be there when luhan gave birth but sadly he missed it

"Also people are waiting for us when we get back,"baekhyun said everyone wanted to know what he was talking about 


they arrived at baekhyun's home where luhan was waiting for them " you'll be so surprised when you see them also and dahyun And youngjae Have had a bit of a change," Baekhyun said looking at chanyeol, they all walked in and heard Nothing it was like someone wasn't here, entering the living and saw four babies sleeping soundly in the sofa

"Luhan I'm back," Baekhyun said, the door of the kitchen opened and in walked Luhan holding a baby with ginger hair, that looks exactly like Luhan except for the mouth, Luhan had dark circles under his eyes and sehun could tell he had not been sleeping very well when Luhan's eyes landed on sehun he smiled and walked towards him and hugged making sure not to hurt the baby

"I missed you sehunnie" he said

"I missed you too," sehun said and pulled away and gave him a kiss

"Are you hurt?" he asked and sehun shook his head

"Look Eunji Daddy's home," Luhan said talking to Eunji, she was just looking at sehun, Luhan handed her to him, Eunji giggle and place one of her hands on his cheek, sehun began to tear up, seeing his child already this big made him feel sad, he has missed so much he hugged Eunji luhan smiled at the sight before walking over to the others

" Why is youngjae's hair red," Chanyeol asked Baekhyun

" I have no idea, I remember waking up and seeing his hair red Because of his magic," Baekhyun said

" What is there five babies, Baekhyun had twins and Luhan had twins so where did this one come from," Jongdae asked pointing at the child

" I had triplets," luhan said and we all looked at him

" how," minseok asked

"Well you gone were gone for three months and I found out a week after you guys were gone, the doctor said that one of them must have been behind the other and the heartbeat must of be synchronised with the other"Luhan said, sehun was shocked 

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