Chapter Eight

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• S E O Y E O N • A N D • J I A


I was walking down the streets of yirous since I wanted to my way around it so I wouldn't get lost is something happened also I wanted to see what this part of the kingdom looked like since there are two parts to the kingdom the 'rich' part and the 'poor' part but I would just say one side that is closer to the castle is more luxurious than the other side, I turned around the corner and saw almost no one walking on the streets but then again I can understand why this the rich part of your the houses are huge and its really quite "pinky, isn't it beautiful" I said and he nodded

"maybe one day we could live here," I say

' yeah like in a million years' pinky said

"Hey, don't you start," I say, then I heard crying I looked around and saw two girls standing at the end of the street, they were young one looked about ten and the other couldn't be older than five years, I slowly walked up to them

"hey are you two alright," I asked them, the older one glared at me and got in front of the other

"what do you want" she spat and I was shocked by what she said

"I just wanted to see if you were alright, since your out here all by yourselves," I said she didn't say anything, the little one ran out from behind her and hugged me

"Oppa please help us we are lost, I told her to ask someone for help but she said no because we are princess everyone will take advantage of us," she said crying

"Well She is right, but don't worry I'll help you get home," I said and stroked her hair

"Really," she asked happily

"Yes," I say and lifted her up and give her piggyback

" but you don't know how to get to the castle," the other one said and help my left hand

"Do you know how to?" I asked her and she nodded

"Well the clouds clear off at Seven," she said

"Okay I guess that we will have to do something fun to kill time," I say and the girl behind me squeals

"Really, we have never been outside the castle so this is exciting" the smaller girl

" my name is Luhan and this pinky what are your names," I asked

" I'm seoyeon and that is my little sister Jia," she said

"She is so cute, can I hold her,"seoyeon said I picked up tiny of my shoulder and placed pinky in her arms

"he is so soft," she said petting him

" well we should get you two different clothes because the clothes you two have on will draw suspicion," I said and they both nodded and we walked to the train station

"Where are we going?" Jia asked

"we are going to ikkeyria," I say

"really I heard that its really big" seoyeon said

" it is," I said, once we got to the train station we got on the train but it was full and I saw a seat next to an elderly woman and decided to sit down and place his on my lap, while seoyeon stood in front of me holding on to my leg

"This is so cool, does it go really fast," Jia asked

"Yeah, it goes really fast so make sure to hold on tight," I said and she smiled

"How long will it take to get to ikkeyria," seoyeon asked

"Normally it would take about ten minutes but since this is the super fast train we will be there in about two minutes," I say, and the door closed

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